
How To Tell if Your Exhaust System Has a Problem

How To Tell if Your Exhaust System Has a Problem
Cash for your car

It’s quite common for our vehicles to have problems we don’t recognize until someone looks under the hood. The difference with an exhaust problem is that you’ll usually be able to tell something is wrong right away when you start driving. Your exhaust system plays a crucial role in keeping your car running. To keep yourself and other drivers safe, here’s how you can tell if your exhaust system has a problem that you need to address quickly.

Exhaust Smell While Driving

One of the clearest signs that your exhaust system has an issue is when the smell that should be outside starts to seep into your main cabin. This is a serious cause for concern, as exhaust fumes contain many substances you shouldn’t be breathing in directly. If you start to smell exhaust fumes or something similar to rotten eggs, don’t wait to check your exhaust system for a leak. In the worst-case scenario, you may need to buy a new exhaust system, especially if you’re driving an older vehicle.

Heavy Vibrations During Motion

If your vehicle starts to feel very different when driving it, specifically if the experience is far bumpier or more erratic than usual, your exhaust system could be the culprit. If your exhaust system has a leak or other malfunction, it can drastically affect the closed nature of the system. This means that air and gases can escape where they shouldn’t, causing a far more unpleasant ride with heavier vibrations and shaking.

Louder Acceleration

You likely know exactly what your vehicle is supposed to sound like when you hit the accelerator. When this noise changes seemingly for no reason, it could be due to an exhaust system issue. You want to be very wary of any extra rattling noises and pay attention when your acceleration sounds become much louder and more noticeable. These are common signs that your exhaust system has a real problem that could escalate into something worse.

Exhaust Smoke Color Change

For most vehicles, exhaust smoke isn’t very thick and tends to be quite transparent. The way that your exhaust smoke looks coming out of your tailpipe can tell you a lot about the status of your whole engine. Is your exhaust smoke suddenly cloudy and white? Do thick black streams pour out of your tailpipe? Can you notice a blue tinge to the exhaust smoke? All these are signs that your vehicle isn’t working properly and needs professional repairs to get it back in working order.

You can deal with exhaust system issues easily if you catch them early. Keep an eye open for these signs, and you won’t get caught off-guard by a major problem while you’re driving.

About the author

Stephanie Ross