Business Life's Evolution

How To Prevent Burnout Working From Home

How To Prevent Burnout Working From Home

Working from home is still a lot of people’s reality post-2020. Preventing overworking and burnout from work is essential to staying productive.

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If you work from home or work remotely, you’ve probably heard your bosses urge you to take some time to yourself and rest to prevent overworking and burnout. If work feels like a chore, makes you feel irritable, and is mentally taking a toll on you, it’s time to step away from the computer.

We brainstormed a list of ways to prevent burnout working from home to ensure you stay motivated, productive, and happy.

Redecorate Your Home Office

Evaluate your office space. Is it too cluttered? Is it bleak? Does it show your flair and personality? Your environment dramatically impacts your energy, productivity, and overall mood. You want to create a space where you feel most creative and productive. You will feel more motivated and inclined to work by upgrading your area to maximize comfortability.

Make Time for Soft Exercise

Carving out about 30-minutes of your day to exercise can help release stress and tension from your work day. Exercising releases a happy brain chemical called endorphins that helps you feel good and confident. Going on a walk, doing YouTube workouts, or hitting the gym are ways to help you have a clear mind for the next work day.

Give Yourself a Rewards System

Create a rewards system for yourself to stay motivated throughout the work day. For example, if you have six articles to write by the end of the day, tell yourself that you have to finish these articles, then you can go to a concert this weekend.

If you really want to see your favorite artist or band, you will get through your daily tasks.

Make Your Mental Health a Priority

Making your mental health a priority is the number one way to prevent burnout while working from home. Creating boundaries, communicating with your colleagues, and taking days off when you need to are some ways to put yourself first. Taking the time to meditate, practice yoga, journal, and talk to a professional therapist are also ways to help you unwind and de-stress.

Give Yourself Breaks Throughout the Day

Sitting in front of a computer for hours every day is unhealthy, and we strongly encourage you to take breaks throughout the day. Going outside for a brief walk or stepping away from your computer for a couple of minutes are some ways to refresh and motivate yourself.

After the work day, have a hobby or interest outside work to help you escape the work mindset. Your health is the number one priority! Include “me time” in your daily routine to allow yourself to relax and take the weight off your shoulders. Your “me time” could look like listening to your favorite album, cooking, hanging out with friends, or painting. Either way, prevent burnout while working from home by setting boundaries and being easy on yourself.

About the author

Stephanie Ross