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Best Tips for Avoiding Drinking-and-Driving Situations

Best Tips for Avoiding Drinking-and-Driving Situations

Drinking and driving can be a tricky situation to avoid in some cases. Read here for some tips for avoiding these kinds of dangerous situations.

Cash for your car

Drinking and driving is a pretty difficult topic to address simply because it often results from poor decision-making. The best things you can do to prevent DUI (driving under the influence) situations have to do with not putting yourself in that position in the first place. Here are some of the best tips for avoiding drinking-and-driving situations.

Utilize a Designated Driver or Rideshare Service

One of the easiest ways to avoid drinking and driving charges is to employ the service of a designated driver. A designated driver, or DD, is simply a friend tasked with coming with you to provide safe transportation to anywhere you want to go. Using a DD will take the temptation out of drinking and driving and thus make your night out a lot safer. If you cannot find someone to be your designated driver, you can use a taxi or rideshare service as your “designated driver.”

Never Feel Pressured To Drink

One of the biggest reasons why people get into DUI situations is that they feel pressured to drink. This often happens when the drinker starts off the night having no intention of getting intoxicated. As such, they never plan for a designated driver or taxi service. However, one of the negative effects of alcohol is compulsive behavior, which may cause that person to drink more than they had planned to. If you find yourself in this situation, set firm boundaries for yourself to ensure that you don’t make any rash decisions.

Do Your Part To Help Others Avoid This Situation

If you’re the host of a party, part of your job is to ensure that everyone has a safe time at the event. Keep tabs on your guests and take their keys if you feel they’re too intoxicated to drive. Even if the guest protests your actions, remember that you’re taking steps to save their life. We hope you have learned some crucial information from these tips for avoiding drinking and driving situations.

About the author

Stephanie Ross