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LifeVac’s Top 5 Tips to Prevent Choking and Save Lives

National Choking Awareness Day
Cash for your car

To make people aware of the epidemic of choking, which is the 4th leading cause of accidental death, March 28th has been designated as National Choking Awareness Day. LifeVac offers the peace of mind that comes from a proven, easy-to-use device designed for lifesaving protection. LifeVac is the patented choking first-aid device for children and adults that have saved hundreds of lives (and counting). In the US alone, one child dies every five days from choking. LifVac portable, reusable apparatus can make all the difference.

“A few years ago, I encountered the tragic story of a mother losing her young son due to choking on a grape,” says LifeVac Founder and CEO Arthur Lih. “A father myself, I teamed up with my sister who is a doctor, my dad an engineer, and a good friend. And together we were able to successfully develop a non-invasive upper airway clearing device intended to save as many lives as possible.”
National Choking Awareness Day

Unfortunately, such accidents happen more often than many realize. In fact, on Thursday, March 17th, a child choked to death at a Tennessee school while eating lunch. Another child choked to death on a sunflower seed, which obstructed her airway, and when rushed to the emergency room, at the time they didn’t have the right equipment that was small enough for a child and was unable to retrieve the item, and, sadly, she died on the table.

LifeVac is committed to changing the current statistics by increasing public awareness about the risk factors of choking, including:

  1. The Heimlich maneuver works in only approximately 50-70% of cases
  2. Full hot dogs and grapes top the list of high-risk choking foods
  3. Candy and coins cause up to 37% of choking ER visits for children ages 1-4
  4. Choking for more than 4 minutes drastically increases the chance of brain damage (and most emergency response times vary between 7-12 minutes)
  5. LifeVac raises the chance of survival to 99% in just three simple steps: PLACE the apparatus, PUSH down on the suction device, and PULL up to dislodge the obstruction

“I purchased LifeVac after my daughter, Skylar was born, and I discovered the shocking statistics revealing how frequently child choking deaths occur,” shares celebrity mom Gretchen Rossi. “Spreading awareness about this danger is essential to help eliminate these devastating tragedies.”

Always be prepared to save a life with the LifeVac Home Kit ($69.95) and Travel Kit ($69.95 or $49 with Home Kit purchase). Each kit covers adults and children (from 22 pounds), never expires, and includes a free replacement when used in a choking emergency. Buy now, watch product demonstration videos, and attend a FREE online how-to training at LifeVac.net.

About LifeVac:

LifeVac is a patented life-saving device designed to offer the simplest, safest method of aspirating a choking child or adult. When Founder and CEO Arthur Lih heard the tragic story of a mother losing her child due to choking, he created an apparatus that increases the chance of survival from 50-70% (with the Heimlich maneuver) to 99%. Today, LifeVac is recognized by charitable partners like the Red Cross and has successfully saved hundreds of lives (and counting). In addition to the LifeVac Home Kit ($69.95) and Travel Kit ($69.95 or $49 with Home Kit purchase), the company spreads awareness about the hazards of – and proper responses to – choking. This danger is far more common than most people think, taking at least one child’s life every five days. Each kit covers adults and children (from 22 pounds), never expires, and includes a free replacement when used in a choking emergency. Buy now, watch product demonstration videos, and attend a FREE online how-to training at LifeVac.net.

About the author

J. Paulson