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Pieces of Equipment Every Musician Should Have

Pieces of Equipment Every Musician Should Have
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Any aspiring musicians or artists on the musical spectrum know that you can make music out of pretty much anything. That said, the most strategic budding artists have nifty gear at their fingertips to make something special. While music is entirely innovative, it also lies on a foundation built on the relationship between an artist and their equipment.

You can make lyrics and melodies out of nothing, but you need adequate equipment to bring a song to life. Don’t let what you currently lack worry you too much—you can always make a particular purchase later on. Let’s take a closer look at the pieces of equipment every musician should have for home recording.

Laptop or Computer With Ideal RAM

In our digital age, computers are the core centerpieces of a musician’s setup. Stick to your preferred operating system (as in Mac or PC) and choose software applications that run on that platform. If you want to take full advantage of both systems, you can run an application that allows you to download Windows or vice versa.

The bigger debate is a laptop versus a desktop. Desktops may offer more bang for your buck in the long haul, but laptops provide ample opportunity for mobility and collaboration. Either way, make sure the computer has a speedy hard drive and a decent amount of RAM to efficiently run and optimize the power of your production software.

Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

DAWs are not physical gadgets, but these digital programs are the key to a functional studio. Any program you’re comfortable with should do the trick to organize tracks and processing controls. This software allows users to manipulate, mix, and create music to their liking, which supports the development of their audio production skills.

Audio Interface and Cabling

Once you’ve got an adequate recording hub and software, an audio interface is the next music-making essential on the list. Modern computers do not contain MIDI ports, which connect multiple instruments or devices to your computer so you can hear the sound output through speakers or headphones.

Audio interfaces are sound cards with several midi ports that provide instant connection to hear the results of your input. Don’t forget the importance of professional audio cables either. Quality cables are pivotal for processing incoming and outcoming audio.

Mic Drop: A Decent Microphone

Microphones are the most classic and necessary pieces of equipment every musician should have. Mics have clearly been around since the inception of recording studios. Interestingly enough, the industry standards of these integral pieces have changed little since then. Various mics achieve different sounds in different situations, so research the ideal choice for you.

Quality Studio Headphones

The majority of consumers today are familiar with headphones, but studio headphones are a far deviating story. Commercial-grade headphones distort sound for a sharper emphasis. The sound quality may be high, but the accuracy is not. If you truly want to make better, innovative music, you need to kickstart or revamp your journey with the right gear for the production ahead.

About the author

Stephanie Ross