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How Do You Improve Your Deep Sleep: A 12-Step Guide

Improve Your Deep Sleep
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How do you improve your deep sleep? Start by checking out this 12-step guide that can get you sleeping better as soon as tonight.

Did you know sleep can affect your mental health? If you’re asking the question, “how do you improve your deep sleep?”, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over ways to improve your sleep, so you wake up feeling energized.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

  1. Reconsider Long or Random Naps

A power nap tends to be beneficial. Yet, long or random napping throughout the day can impact your sleep in a negative manner.

Sleeping during the day will confuse your inner clock. You may struggle to sleep at night.

If you take regular naps and sleep well, then don’t worry. The effects of naps tend to differ depending on the person.

  1. Consider a Melatonin Supplement

Melatonin is a hormone that will let your brain know when it’s time to sleep.

People tend to pick up melatonin supplements to improve their sleep. Melatonin can treat insomnia and can help people fall asleep fast.

Melatonin is useful if you travel to a new time zone. You can take it and help your body’s circadian rhythms return to normal.

Take melatonin around one hour before bed. Melatonin can alter brain chemistry, so make sure you check with your doctor first.

  1. Put Away the Electronics

People have gotten used to bringing their mobile devices or tablets to bed. The bright light that emits from the device will stimulate your brain. When your mind becomes stimulated, it’s more challenging to fall asleep.

To get deeper sleep at night, turn off your electronics an hour before you go to bed. This way, you won’t get exposed to blue light.

  1. Consider the Temperature in Your Room

Everyone has a preference for the temperature in their bedroom. Some people prefer a more comfortable room while others like it to be warm.

The best temperature for sleep is around 60-67 degrees. If you want to enjoy deep sleep, set your thermostat.

  1. Exercise Throughout the Week

Moderate aerobic exercise can boost your slow-wave sleep. Your body and brain have a chance to rejuvenate during slow-wave sleep. Exercise can help you decompress your mind and stabilize your mood.

Aim to workout for half an hour five times a week. Don’t work out near your bedtime because you could cause sleep deprivation and insomnia. Start a simple exercise like yoga, walking the dog, or light jogging.

  1. Natural Sleep-Wake Cycle

Try to follow your circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle each night. If you follow a wake and sleep schedule each day, you will feel more refreshed.

If you sleep at different times throughout the week or on the weekend, you’ll get tired. If your sleep gets disrupted at night because of an afternoon nap, skip the rest.

  1. Eat Healthy Food

One other way to sleep better is to track what you’re eating and drinking. Drinking a lot of caffeine can mess up your sleep.

Don’t overeat during dinner. Consuming foods that are rich and heavy will take longer to digest. Spicy foods can trigger stomach issues and heartburn, preventing deep sleep.

  1. Cut Back on Alcohol

Do you tend to drink alcohol before bed? Consider getting rid of your nightcap. Drinking before bed can disrupt your sleep.

You may fall asleep faster, but you don’t enter deep sleep. Your body needs to burn off the alcohol in your system.

Some people may fall asleep fast after they drink. Yet, they will end up waking in the middle of the night. Alcohol can trigger the production of chemicals in your body that causes sleepiness.

Adenosine, a sleep-inducing chemical in the brain, will increase in production. You will fall asleep fast, but the production of adenosine will subside. You might wake up before you’ve had a deep rest.

People get poor quality sleep after drinking because alcohol blocks rapid-eye-movement sleep. REM sleep is a restorative type of sleep. You will feel tired and unfocused if you don’t get enough REM sleep.

  1. Create a Sleep Routine

If you have a hard time sleeping at night, consider creating a relaxing night routine. You can help prepare yourself for sleep by following specific steps.

Focus on beginning to wind down. Avoid stressful or stimulating situations that could keep you wide awake.

Try listening to soft music or complete a few stretches. You could also meditate for a couple of minutes before bed.

Put lavender essential oil in a diffuser. Close your blinds, and make the room as dark as possible.

  1. Get a Quality Pillow and Mattress

One other way to get a deeper sleep is to invest in a decent cooling mattress.

If your mattress is a decade old, it might not be supportive or firm anymore.

Mattresses will wear down from constant use, so invest in a new one. Pick pillows that will support your neck.

  1. Try a White Noise Machine

If there are too many sounds in your room, you could have a difficult time entering into a deep sleep.

A white noise machine will create a consistent sound environment. A snoring partner or car alarm can prevent you from staying asleep.

A white noise machine will mask these sounds to keep them from interrupting your sleep.

  1. Get a Comfortable Mattress

A quality mattress can promote deep sleep. Look for a supportable mattress that will adapt to your sleep positioning and body.

Try to find a mattress that will also reduce pressure on your hips, shoulders, and back. Are you a side sleeper? Check out the best mattress for side sleepers.

Now You Know the Answer to “How Do You Improve Your Deep Sleep?”

We hope this guide on deep sleep was helpful. Now that you know the answer to “how do you improve your deep sleep?” take time to create a bedtime routine. Exercise throughout the week and cut back on alcohol.

Don’t forget to keep browsing our other helpful resources on health, fitness, and more.

Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

About the author

Duke James