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E Cigs – Many Shapes and Sizes To Go With Any Lifestyle

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No one can deny that vaping has become a popular way to consume different herbs. Traditionally, people were only familiar with conventional cigarettes, but now they have a vast array of options to choose from. One of the core benefits of using e-cigarettes is that it causes less damage to the body as compared to a conventional cigarette. Furthermore, if you want to smoke a compound such as CBD, there are less chances of negative side effects. Today, fanatic smokers are obsessed with vape pens and e-cigarettes so much that manufacturers make sure fans have loads of options with everything they could possibly want. If you want to buy a starter kit or a vape pen, you will be provided with an instruction booklet and a battery that operates the device. Here, in this article, we will guide you through the best e-cigarettes for this year.

  1.     Mig 21 Clear Fusion

This portable e-cigarette can easily be carried anywhere. Furthermore, its discreet packaging allows consumers to carry it in public. The intriguing part about this e-cigarette is, it can easily be refilled anytime you want. Secondly, if you’re buying this pack for the first time, you will be provided a refill for free. You will be provided a rechargeable battery and a vape pen with this kit.

  1.     Morpheus E-Cigarette Kit

This e-cigarette is for those who like to flaunt their smoking style. Jazzed up with a pitch-black outline, Morpheus is a powerful electronic cigarette that has a battery time of several hours. You can carry this e-cig if you have plans to venture out in a location where people face scarcity of electricity. Keep in mind, e-cigarettes need charging every few hours. Luckily, Morpheus offers a strong battery time that can easily suffice for a long trip.

  1.     The Blu Xpress Kit

People who are frequent users of this e-cig claim, it gives the most out of the compound they’re vaping. This means if you’re vaping a compound for medicinal reasons, there’s nothing better than trying the Blu Xpress kit. However, it is better to keep away from overusing as it contains nicotine, which can cause addiction. People who are obsessed with inhaling natural herbs often use this kit.

  1.     Magnum Snacks

As the name implies, this e-cig is carved in the shape of a lighter. This pack is for beginners who don’t have hands-on experience of using an e-cigarette before. The battery can last for a few hours, but it is compatible with every kind of liquid that you intend to consume. Magnum snacks are available in a variety of colors and available at economical prices. Even if you have enough experience of using an e-cig, magnum snacks are the best option anyways.

  1.     PHIX Starter Kit

This pen looks like a pocket perfume and can easily contour within your pockets. It looks stylish and gives a classy vibe. Although it has a small capacity for the liquid, yet it is liked by a lot of smokers out there. Luckily it is not dominated by nicotine, so it is safe for vaping. Make sure to know about operating it before you will find it with liquid. Most PHIX starter kits come with a vape pen that is already filled with liquid.

  1.     KE Cigarette

If you still remember the old parker pens, you got the right shape in your mind. It looks unique and has a different design as compared to other traditional vape pens. Like other top-notch vape pens, this, too, gives the maximum benefit of the liquid being inhaled. With little capacity, this pen can easily fit in your pocket and be carried everywhere.

About the author

Aubrey Stevens