Health & Fitness Product Reviews

Different Types Of CBD Vape Juice & How To Vape CBD

CBD oil
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What is CBD? 

CBD oil or cannabinol is an element or compound found within the cannabis plant or industrial hemp plant. It has long been proven that CBD oil has healing properties that have predated the birth of Christ. This has included helping those that have suffered from chronic pain disorder and also healing those who have swelling and inflammation within muscle groups. Not only that, but CBD oil has helped those with mental health problems by relaxing them and putting them in a calm state where they can, therefore, gain some control over their anxiety and depression. So obviously CBD oil has helped a lot of people but why has it suddenly game popularity in the last 10 years?

Why is CBD oil or Vape Juice so popular? 

CBD oil has gained popularity for a number of reasons one of which is the rise of celebrity influencers in terms of branding and marketing problem products there is no better person than a celebrity influencer as their audience are so engaged and what they do but they’re willing to try anything, therefore, there’s been a big push from CBD oil companies to market their products to different celebrity influencers audiences. This has worked wonders as the CBD oil industry has seen a massive amount of growth in the last 10 years amounting to the market now being worth over 22 billion dollars which is a massive amount when you think about it. I don’t think anyone predicted that this would be possible if you went back 10 years ago and look to the industry on a spreadsheet.

Different Kinds of Infused Flavours 

In terms of different types of CBD oil for vape juices, there is one defining factor in how you differentiate products and that tends to be through the different infused flavors available on today’s market. With the rise of regular vaping we have seen a bizarre amount of flavors released in order to cater to the needs of the market and what they require out of Vaping.  Which was discovered that not many people do like the taste of tobacco and therefore would prefer something a bit sweeter or fruity instead? Therefore manufacturers came out with a variety of different products for the consumers to try which went down a storm and brought the market to the point where it is. The same can be said for CBD oils that are used for vaping as they have been infused with a variety of different flavors in order to create products for which they will consume on the marketplace.

Different dosages available to consumers 

Another way in which CBD oil vape juice has been differentiated is through the different dosages of CBD oil within the vape juice as you will find that you can purchase stronger or weaker versions of several different products depending on your personal needs and how much CBD oil you need to consume per day.  This will differ from person to person depending on the metabolism of them.

Featured image by Julia Teichmann

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