Automotive Latest Technology

Futuristic Car Innovations That May Become Our New Normal

Cash for your car

Ford Moter Company may have pioneered the modern automobile, but it doesn’t seem to stop the company from constantly seeking out innovation and progress. The latest to join the race for the autonomous car, Ford recently revealed that they should be ready with their first release as early as 2021, and with the purchase of a robotics company to boost production, this deadline seems likely. While autonomous cars seem to be the main topic of conversation for motoring enthusiasts, there are some other remarkable technological feats that will change the way we see our cars. 

Forget Solar Panels And Biofuels 

It may be hard to believe that the future of sustainable driving can rest on something as choosing the right paint finish. The Mercedes Benz G-Code features a multi-voltaic paint that absorbs solar radiation and picks up static wind as the car drives. The energy is then converted to power, which reduces the reliance on other sources of fuel. The details are not quite clear as yet, so how much power the car can generate through the paint and whether it’s sufficient as the only propellant will remain to be seen. 

Better Traffic And Intersection Safety 

One of the biggest concerns for road agencies is better safety during adverse traffic situations and traffic intersections. Part of the technology that comes along with the autonomous car is the ability for cars to communicate with each other and their surroundings. While this technology is critical for the success of autonomous cars, it doesn’t have to wait for autonomous tech in order to make a difference in road safety. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication should have a remarkable effect on traffic incident statistics. Road traffic accidents are, according to FVF Law, one of the major contributors to personal injuries. 

Augmented Reality (AR) Lights Up Your Display 

While there’s an undeniable cool factor where an AR dashboard display is concerned, this tech will undoubtedly do much in terms of safety and performance. While the basic AR displays are already being churned off the assembly lines in the likes of BMW and other luxury car brands, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on the tech to make the most out of it. From distance calculations and map overlays to traffic dissection and pedestrian warnings, there is an endless stream of functions that can be developed within this tech. 

Before long, the tech that may seem futuristic and out of reach will be the new industry standards, allowing us a little more freedom and safety when on the road.

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