Beauty & Body

How to Find The Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Los Angeles

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Do you live in Los Angeles, California? Are you looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles, but don’t know where to start? Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure used to reconstruct the nose and has a history dating back to the ancient world. Rhinoplasty can be used to change the way the nose looks and enhance its aesthetic appearance, but it is also used to correct nasal trauma that may have been caused by an accident or injury.

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Rhinoplasty is often used to resolve cleft lip and palate and obstructed airways due to nasal abnormalities at birth. A plastic surgeon will also perform rhinoplasty on animal bites and burns that might afflict the nose as well as nasal fractures and abnormalities caused by diseases or toxins. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles will be able to correct congenital defects as well as respiratory impediments and aesthetic concerns with an artistic eye used to understand the dynamics of detail and symmetry. The nose is considered by many to be the most prominent feature on the face and reconstruction of the nose should be handled with great care and an artist’s mindset.

Dr. Jay Calvert, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, RoxSpa Beverly Hills 310.777.8800 Newport Beach 949.644.2858

The best rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles will not only be capable of handling rhinoplasty procedures – they will be a rhinoplasty expert. If you are interested in a Los Angeles plastic surgeon to perform a rhinoplasty, consider an initial consultation. Patients who acquire knowledge about the procedure and ask questions will be able to achieve the best results and find the plastic surgeon that is right for them and their particular needs. A skin cancer patient who needs to have lesions from basal-cell carcinoma and melanoma repaired may have different needs and concerns than a patient who is looking to remove a nasal-hump for cosmetic reasons. Ask the plastic surgeon about past rhinoplasty procedures and if they have received special training in the area of rhinoplasty before deciding if they are the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and voice concerns or fears to potential surgeons before deciding on one.

Did you previously have a rhinoplasty that needs to be revisited? When a plastic surgeon performs an operation to correct or change a previous rhinoplasty it is called a revision or secondary rhinoplasty. The best rhinoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles for revision rhinoplasty will be able to take the art of plastic surgery to the next level, using imagination and ingenuity to correct mistakes and rebuild strong, beautiful noses. Some rhinoplasty surgeons will call themselves experts in primary rhinoplasty but do not offer or have much experience with revision rhinoplasty procedures. Make sure prospective rhinoplasty surgeons do an evaluation of your particular face and take the time to talk about a specific plan for you. Don’t settle for a generalized explanation of rhinoplasty at an initial consultation. The best rhinoplasty surgeon will be able to look at each individual face and have a different way to approach each specific patient to best suit their needs.

About the author

Jane Emery