Food & Spirits

Win a Case of HINT Essence Water – Subscribe Now!

Cash for your car

As we head into the warm months, it is essential to drink plenty of water. If your taste buds just roll over and yawn about the idea of drinking plain water, get ready for a big surprise with all-natural essence water infused with fruit from HINT. You can enter to win a free case of HINT just by subscribing to LA’s The Place here… We will send a case each to two winners!

HINT Essence Water contains absolutely no sugar, sweeteners and preservatives— just a simple, healthy, light and delicious beverage that tastes GREAT!!!! Everyone from Halle Berry to Dr. Oz is enjoying it and staying hydrated with this tasty treat.

Available in 10 delicious flavors including Watermelon, Blackberry, Strawberry Kiwi and Raspberry Lime, HINT is a refreshing alternative to sweet sodas and juices.  HINT will provide your readers with a rejuvenating splash of taste all the while leaving behind the calories and sugar.

Win a Case of HINT

HINT would like to offer our readers an opportunity to thousands of fans of this alternative to plain water with a case of HINT water (Value: $44). Just subscribe to LA’s the Place Magazine for free and you’re will receive a case of HINT.

Click HERE to subscribe.

About the author

Lanee Neil