Home & Family

Issues To Look For in Your Home After an Earthquake

Issues To Look For in Your Home After an Earthquake

Earthquakes aren’t uncommon in the California area, but even the small ones can do minor forms of damage to your home that add up over time.

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Experiencing a small earthquake can be unsettling. While these events often do not cause extensive damage to our homes, it is crucial to inspect our properties for any subtle changes that may have occurred. Follow along as we guide you through four key areas of your home to check that may have issues after an earthquake.

Cracks in Walls and Ceilings

After an earthquake, you should inspect your walls and ceilings for any new cracks or changes in existing ones. Although small earthquakes usually do not cause significant structural damage, they can still lead to minor cracks. These cracks might grow over time and potentially cause problems in the future. Therefore, documenting any changes can aid in future home maintenance, and it can help with insurance claims.

Windows and Window Frames

Windows and their frames can also be vulnerable during an earthquake. You should look for any signs of stress, such as cracks in the glass or warping in the frames. Even a small shift can affect the integrity of your windows. If you notice any changes, consider consulting a professional to assess whether any repairs are necessary. If that’s the case, start by learning the dos and don’ts of window replacement. You may be able to find a model that will withstand future quakes better than others.

Plumbing Systems

Earthquakes can sometimes disrupt your home’s plumbing systems. Check all faucets and toilets in your home for any changes in water pressure or unusual noises. Leaks are another common issue to look for in your home after an earthquake. If you suspect a problem, you should contact a plumber to prevent further issues.

Electrical Systems

Finally, check your home’s electrical systems. Look for any flickering lights, malfunctioning outlets, or changes in appliance performance. These issues could indicate that the earthquake affected your home’s wiring. If you find anything unusual, consult an electrician to ensure your home’s safety.

In conclusion, while small earthquakes may not cause extensive damage, they can still impact your family’s home in subtle ways. By checking your walls, ceilings, windows, plumbing, and electrical systems, you can ensure your home remains safe and functional. Your vigilance in these moments contributes significantly to the long-term well-being of your home.

About the author

Stephanie Ross