Travel & Recreation

Van Life: Things You Need for Living on the Road

Van Life: Things You Need for Living on the Road

Van life is an incredibly unique and fun lifestyle to live, but it requires certain things. Here is everything a person needs to know to make van life possible.

Cash for your car

The nomad lifestyle continues to grow. So many have ventured out already, gathering enough tips to probably publish a book on how to work and live on the road. If you’re looking for a straightforward guide on the things you need for living on the road, and to make van life possible for you and your family, here is what you need to know.

Get a Solar Shower To Use Outdoors

Whatever you do, don’t skip the shower. During your travels, it might be hard to pull over and find a spot for you to bathe. It’s even harder to find a hotel to use for the day, and if you do, it isn’t cost-effective.

Instead of spending money on a hotel or lodge, get a solar shower. Solar showers are heat-absorbent bags that can hold up to five gallons of water and come with a spray nozzle. The sun heats the water-filled bag so that you can enjoy a nice warm shower. The bag’s unconventional showerhead doesn’t have the same pressure as a conventional one, but it does the job!

Use Bungee Cords To Stabilize Loose Items

If you converted your van into a home to use on the road, you likely have functional parts that move a lot when driving. Using bungee cords is the best way to keep your items from breaking and sliding shelves from popping out.

You can use permanent bungee hooks or normal chords to hold items temporarily during transport. You can easily buy a whole set of pre-cut bungee cords from the hardware store. Buying them pre-cut allows you to get the exact size you need.

Invest in Cleaning Supplies

Traveling in a van does not eliminate the need to clean. You’ll still track dirt when you’re in and out of the van all day. Lessen messes by keeping your cleaning supplies well stocked. Always get the essentials, like a broom, dust pan, antibacterial wipes, and dish soap.

Buying cleaning supplies keeps your tiny home on wheels clean and tidy. If you need to shower at rest stops, keep a basket full of your essentials and water shoes ready to go to protect yourself from bacterial infections on the ground.

Establish an Electrical System

An essential part of ensuring van life works out for you is to have electricity. An electrical system keeps everything in your vehicle powered, preventing you from always eating out while on the road. You could use a generator or solar panels for cleaner energy and to keep the power on through the night.

The best way to size your camper van’s electrical system is to measure your battery. Your battery’s size determines how much electricity your automobile can hold. As you take on this exciting new way of life, make sure you have all that you need for safely living on the road.

About the author

Stephanie Ross