Food & Spirits Sports

Great Snacks To Have After a Sports Game

Great Snacks To Have After a Sports Game
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Sports games are exciting times for those on the field, court, or course. The time you spend attempting to win the game requires much stamina and energy, which you’ll find depleted by the time of the final score. If you want to have a delicious snack after your next sporting event, these options will serve you and your hunger.

Granola Bar

A granola bar is a great snack after a game, and it comes in numerous tastes with various ingredients added. Granola supplies protein to the body to strengthen your muscles and zinc to improve brain function. Adding more ingredients, such as chocolate or peanut butter, will increase the amount of protein or other nutrients your body receives to help you feel better after being active.


The reliable nature of a fruit’s nutrition makes it a great snack to have after a sports game. Numerous fruits are nutritious and delicious, but the best ones are probably oranges, apples, and bananas. Oranges supply vitamin C, which helps you feel more energized. Apples have small amounts of caffeine, so they’ll prevent you from crashing. And bananas are great sources of potassium, which helps with joints and flexibility. Regularly eating fruits will help you as you play and refresh you after your games.


Protein is important for strong muscles, and jerky is a convenient source. The great taste and high amount of protein are great reasons to eat jerky after a workout. It will make for a quality snack after the game ends. Jerky is also convenient and comes in bundles, so eating multiple pieces will help you diminish your appetite.

Crackers and Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is another good source of protein. When combined with crackers, it makes for a delicious snack. The combination of peanut butter and crackers is filling and offers different nutritional benefits depending on the crackers you eat. Wheat crackers provide calcium and fiber to help digestion, and regular white flour crackers are low in calories. Therefore, you won’t have as many empty calories from consuming them.

It’s always a good idea to have a snack after a sports game so that you have the chance to recharge your batteries. You deserve a quality snack like the one listed above to ensure you feel healthy like an athlete should.

About the author

Stephanie Ross