Life's Evolution

How To Mentally Prepare Yourself for Monday

How To Mentally Prepare Yourself for Monday
Cash for your car

Waking up at 6:00 am on Monday may seem like the end of the world for some—and that’s valid. As the weekend ends, we find ourselves spending Sunday night bracing for the loud alarm to wake us up from our peaceful slumber. Unfortunately, there’s no way you can escape Mondays, but there are ways you can mentally prepare yourself for Monday to help make your week brighter.

To help make your week easier, here are some ways to get ready for the upcoming week.

Motivational Mondays

On Sunday, you should take a moment to write down the top priorities of the week and what you can do to accomplish these tasks. These tasks can be as simple as taking out the trash, doing laundry, or replying to work emails. However, to help you finish these tasks, you can reward yourself with extra “chill out” time, a trip to your favorite restaurant, or an at-home spa day.

Unwind Over the Weekend

When you finish your work on Friday, you probably have a list of things you need to do or a plan to hang out with friends. No matter how you normally spend your weekend, remember to give yourself time to relax and unwind from the week prior. There’s nothing wrong with partying or doing chores during the weekend—that’s what the time is for—but extend yourself some grace and allow yourself to relax.

Check In With Yourself

Stress is common, but it shouldn’t be permanent. Allowing stress to settle in your body can cause physical and mental harm. Take the time to pause what you’re doing and check in with yourself. How are you doing? Mentally scan your body and note anything you may feel, from the physical to the mental. If you don’t like the answers you find, it’s time, at minimum, for self-care.

Review Your Weekly Schedule

The best way to mentally prepare yourself for Monday is to visualize and review your week ahead of time. Pull up your work and personal calendar to see what lies ahead and how you can make this week easier for you.

Sometimes we jump straight into the weekend without checking for engagements, meetings, or work that we need to prioritize, and time starts to dwindle. Take the time to review your schedule, plan your week to make Monday easier, and allow the week to flow right after.

About the author

Stephanie Ross