Health & Fitness

Hiking Tips Every Beginner Needs To Know

Hiking Tips Every Beginner Needs To Know

With spring upon us and summer on the horizon, it’s time to get out and explore Los Angeles. Here are three hiking tips every beginner needs to know.

Cash for your car

One of the best aspects of living in Los Angeles is the abundance of excellent hiking trails and locations. Throw in the fact that the weather is almost always clear, and Southern California is a paradise for hikers. Now, you might be wondering, “Is hiking that much different from walking? Does the activity really require tips and tricks?” Yes, and yes!

Hiking is similar to walking, but it does require some knowledge and awareness to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. To better prepare you for this form of exercise and socializing, here are three hiking tips every beginner needs to know.

Start Simple

Consider starting out with a simple location before trying to concur the entire 13-mile trail at Griffith Park. Los Angeles is full of hills that, for beginners, can leave you winded and frustrated. Plus, high temperatures can actually cause injuries, like heat stroke.

Once you’ve got your hiking legs, you can begin tackling harder locations. Chances are, there’s a small park or reserve near your home, so try venturing out for just a mile or two. Additionally, try hiking with friends when starting out so you can have support and assistance in the event of an injury or fatigue.

Bring the Essentials

Hiking isn’t the same as rock climbing or summiting, but it is an activity that requires some gear and equipment. Primarily, you must have a handy source of protein (like an energy bar) and plenty of water—seriously; you can’t bring enough water!

It’s also recommended that you bring some first aid supplies, like bandaids, antiseptics, and gauze. You never know if you might accidentally take a nasty fall. Lastly, always come prepared with sun protection like sunscreen and sunglasses and something for navigation (phone, map, etc.). You can ensure a fun, stress-free day of exploring nature with these essentials.

Wear Proper Clothing

Angelenos have the best sense of fashion, so chances are, you’ll see many hikers in high-quality athleisure. Do you need fancy clothing like that, as well? No! In fact, the most important items to wear on a hike are similar to the most important running gear you would wear. It’s important to bring quality socks, good shoes, and something to protect your extremities (legs, arms, neck, and head) on your hiking trip.

Your socks should fit snugly and have moisture-wicking technology to prevent blisters. Shoes should be well-fitting and light. Lastly, wear comfortable yet thin pants/long-sleeves and a breathable cap. This basic outfit should be enough to keep you protected from the elements and nature. For those new to the trails, check out these essential hiking tips every beginner needs to know, including why wearing proper clothing is crucial and exploring the benefits of barefoot shoes for a more natural hiking experience.

These three hiking tips every beginner needs to know will quickly train you into a seasoned vet! Remember to always hike on the beaten path, especially in more remote areas. And of course, don’t forget your water!

About the author

Stephanie Ross