Health & Fitness

How To Prepare Firefighters for Any Situation

How To Prepare Firefighters for Any Situation

There is a myriad of dangers and situations firefighters need to be ready to respond to, so here’s how to prepare firefighters for any situation.

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In a profession as hazardous as firefighting, fire academies need to put recruits through rigorous training. They need to supply them with the right equipment in order to ensure they can respond to emergencies and keep themselves safe in the process. To ensure they’re ready to tackle anything, here’s how to prepare firefighters for any situation whether they’re still in the academy or you just want to keep your station at the top of their game.

Simulating Emergencies

Drilling firefighters on techniques and maneuvers makes them comfortable and familiar with the actions through repetition. In a real emergency, firefighters won’t have to stop and think about how to act; their actions will all be done by muscle memory.

To better prepare firefighters for emergency situations, simulate scenarios to eliminate unknowns and get them accustomed to hazardous conditions. For example, plenty of training equipment simulates smokey conditions. There are also dummies that substitute live victims and obstacles like debris or jammed doors that firefighters need to know how to bypass.

Outfitting Your Firefighters

The most important way to prepare firefighters for any situation is to provide them with all the gear they need and ensure they’re familiar with it and how to carry it all. A firefighter’s protective gear is extensive—there’s the helmet, gloves, and a heavy coat—as well as other crucial items like doorstops, flashlights, and utility knives. Making sure firefighters can deftly identify, locate, and use such items on their person will ensure they don’t fumble for tools in the midst of an inferno.

Encourage Education

While many departments don’t require certifications beyond a high school diploma with experience in math, physics, and chemistry, encourage your firefighters to pursue greater education within the realm of emergency responders. A good example is EMT/Paramedic certification so that firefighters can address victims suffering injuries and health problems as a result of burns and smoke inhalation as quickly as possible.

About the author

Stephanie Ross