Travel & Recreation

The Most Important Equipment To Get for New Boat Owners

The Most Important Equipment To Get for New Boat Owners

Just got a beautiful new boat you want to take out right away? Make sure you pick up these essential items for new boat owners before you hit the open water.

Cash for your car

Owning a boat is a dream come true for many people. It’s a big investment, so you should make sure you get the most out of it. While it’s fun to think of everything you want for your boat, don’t forget about the things you need as well. No matter how calm the waters or how close to shore you are, you still need a few items on your boat that you shouldn’t ignore. We’ll go over some of the most important equipment to get for new boat owners, so you know where to start.

Life Vests

Since life vests are absolutely crucial for safety purposes, you should never go out on your boat without having one for everyone on board. Safety vests are useful, especially for children, in case something on your boat goes very badly. Ideally, you’ll never need them, but it would be foolish to leave the dock without these on your boat.

Marine First Aid Kit

One of the most important items to get for new boat owners is a marine-ready first aid kit. The water around you can contaminate a normal first aid kit if you aren’t careful, but a marine first aid kit is specially designed for marine life. If you have an accident on your boat, you’ll be very glad you packed one of these.

Lines for Docking

Boats of all shapes and sizes need plenty of ropes and lines to function, but docking lines are incredibly important. Docking lines help ensure that your boat doesn’t float away on its own, and they keep your boat from knocking into anything while it sits in the water. Don’t choose the cheapest docking lines—you’ll be glad you got quality marine equipment in the long run.

A Sturdy Anchor

Your anchor is quite literally your boat’s lifeline when you’re out on the water. Make sure that you’re aware of the size differences and weight classes of different anchors, so you know which one will work for your boat. Heavier is better, but make sure you can lift it yourself without assistance for better results.

Boat Fenders

Boat fenders do the same job that fenders on cars do; they protect the hull from damage caused by knocking into things. Fenders for boats are usually inflatable so that you can more easily store them once you’re away from the dock. If you park your boat in a dock with many other boats nearby, fenders are vital to protecting your and others’ boats.

About the author

Stephanie Ross