Beauty & Body

The Best Ways To Get an Hourglass Figure

The Best Ways To Get an Hourglass Figure

It’s not impossible to achieve an hourglass figure if you know what to do. Here are some tips on how to achieve a healthy frame without any serious risks.

Cash for your car

Many women are uncomfortable with their natural looks. It’s important that every woman feels confident in their skin, as no body type is better than the rest. Everyone has their natural frame, but confidence and body image are hard to overcome. Through exercise, diet, and gym accessories, you can work towards building the body you want. For example, here are some of the best ways to get an hourglass figure without using dangerous drugs or surgeries. You should love the way you look, but if you want to narrow your waist and build your hip and bust ratio, these are the healthiest ways to do it.


Proper exercise is the healthiest way to slim down and achieve the body type you want. Hourglass figures represent broad shoulders and hips with a narrow waist. While everyone is different and you should love your body no matter what, exercise is one of the simplest ways to work closer to this goal. Squats, lunges, HIIT cardio, and chest presses will work on the target muscle groups necessary for an hourglass figure while slimming down your waist.


Diet is also essential. You won’t achieve an hourglass figure loading up on junk food, processed or refined foods, or sugar. Training and diet go hand-in-hand. Your diet should have all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy, active lifestyle. With that, focus on lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Limit sugary foods and beverages, as this will only pack on the pounds. Drink plenty of water, too, so that you’re hydrated and fuller throughout the day. Watch your portion sizes, as second-helpings will deter you from reaching your goal.

Try a Waist Slimmer

Waist slimmers are not the magic tool, but they help. As one of the best ways to achieve an hourglass figure, they’re designed to tighten your waist as you exercise. They do not restrict blood flow or promote injury. Instead, waist trainers raise your core temperature, provide back support, and prevent a blocky midsection. They bring out your curves and shape your body to the hourglass figure you’re working towards.

About the author

Stephanie Ross