Health & Fitness

Tips for Choosing the Right Doctor for Your Pregnancy

Tips for Choosing the Right Doctor for Your Pregnancy

As you welcome your baby into the world, you should have people you trust at your side. Check out these tips for choosing the right doctor for your pregnancy.

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You deserve to have a team of qualified, compassionate professionals on your side throughout your pregnancy journey. Finding the right doctor is about more than just certifications. You need someone who communicates well with you and helps you feel comfortable no matter what the journey brings. Enlist professionals you can rely on with these tips for choosing the right doctor for your pregnancy.

Who Do You Want on Your Team?

There are a few different types of care providers you can have on your side before, during, and beyond your pregnancy. While all of them seek to give you the best care possible, their specialties differ slightly.


OB-GYNs have extensive training in women’s general and reproductive health. An OB-GYN is the best option for high-risk pregnancies, C-sections, and other more technical pregnancy needs.


Licensed midwives, while similar to OB-GYNs, tend to focus more on traditional births. Midwives are great if you want a natural birth. Your midwife will always work with your OB-GYN and other care providers to give you the safest and most comfortable experience possible.

Family Physician

A family physician serves as a reliable primary care provider, so they can help your entire family before, during, and after your pregnancy. However, your family physician might have to refer you to an OB-GYN or other specialist if complications arise during your pregnancy.

Look in Network & Check Biographies

Once you know who you’re looking for, it’s time to find someone who works for you. Start by searching for in-network professionals, as your insurance will make these options far more affordable.

Keep an eye on the location of each practice. Closer facilities are far more convenient and accessible for you, especially if you’ll need to make more frequent visits later on in your pregnancy.

Finally, read up on each provider to learn more about their background, certifications, and relevant specializations.

Don’t Overlook Personality

Your care provider will be with you during all the significant milestones and emotional moments of becoming a mom. While qualifications and certifications are important, you also need someone with which you can get along.

Consider the kind of personality you want in your care provider. Do you want someone who can bring levity to a moment and make you laugh, or do you want someone who gives you all the facts as clearly as possible? Do you prefer a gentle demeanor or a steady, authoritative voice? Think about the type of person who will help you feel your best throughout the ups and downs of your pregnancy and look for those traits in the people you visit.

You deserve a care provider who makes you feel comfortable, safe, and confident every step of the way. With these tips for choosing the right doctor for your pregnancy, you can find someone who helps you and your baby feel safe throughout your pregnancy, birth, and all the milestones ahead of you.

About the author

Stephanie Ross