Health & Fitness

Tips for Reducing Pain After Surgery

Tips for Reducing Pain After Surgery
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After undergoing surgery, experiencing pain is normal and to be expected. However, pain can sometimes impede the recovery process by preventing you from resting and getting enough sleep. As such, it’s important to find ways to reduce your pain and stay as comfortable as possible while you heal.

Of course, if you are experiencing a significant amount of pain, it’s important to communicate with your doctor to come up with the best possible treatment plan. However, if you’re simply looking for additional ways to minimize discomfort during the recovery process, here are some helpful tips on reducing pain after surgery.

Get Moving When Possible

While it is important not to strain yourself physically during the recovery process, laying or sitting down for too long can worsen one’s pain. When possible, try to get moving, even if that just involves getting up and walking around your house every couple of hours. Doing so will prevent your muscles from getting stiff while also reducing your risk of developing blood clots. That said, you should always follow your doctor’s instructions. If they told you to remain in bed for a certain period of time following your surgery, adhere to their instructions. In addition, if you experience so much pain that standing or sitting up is unbearable, consult your doctor.

Avoid Aggravating Your Surgery Site

Another tip for reducing pain after surgery is to avoid aggravating your surgery site. For example, if it hurts to move your arm a certain way, don’t do it. The pain you feel likely indicates that such a movement is causing further harm to your body and should be avoided as you heal. Unless instructed by your physical therapist, try to avoid moving in a way that causes your pain to increase.

If you need to move in order to complete daily tasks, consider bracing or holding your surgical incision site. Doing so can help reduce your pain and the amount of stress placed on the site.

Try Natural Pain Relief Methods

In addition to the prescription medication, your doctor may have given you following your surgery, implementing natural pain relief methods could further help eliminate your discomfort. CBD oil is a particularly effective natural method for pain reduction.

In addition to its ability to reduce inflammation, CBD oil also interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system in a way that helps alleviate various types of pain. Other effective natural pain relief methods include meditating, using essential oils, and acupuncture therapy.

Get Ample Amounts of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential to the healing process and can help reduce pain. Unfortunately, if you are experiencing a significant amount of pain after surgery, falling and staying asleep can be difficult. That said, it is important to make an effort to get as much sleep as possible. Examples of ways to make falling asleep easier include decreasing the temperature in your bedroom, blocking out all light, taking melatonin supplements, decreasing caffeine intake, and avoiding looking at screens for at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

About the author

Stephanie Ross