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Do You Have Crooked or Crowded Teeth? Here’s What You Can Do

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Having severely crooked teeth can be something that is tough to deal with. Not only can it affect your confidence and your willingness to smile in public, but it can also lead to all sorts of other complications. Crowded and crooked teeth are harder to clean and more prone to cavities. This is why fixing your smile is not simply a matter of esthetics. The good news is that there are tons of treatments available to people with teeth alignment issues nowadays, and some are very comfortable, cost-effective, and convenient. To get started, book yourself an appointment to make your teeth feel good with the Cosmetic dentist in Roseville.

Let’s take a look at a few things you could do if you have crooked or crowded teeth.

Get Invisible Aligners

Invisible aligners are the next revolution in the world of braces. They are not braces per se, but a sort of plastic tray that is molded in a way that slowly corrects your teeth. Clear aligners are very affordable and some services allow you to get yours custom made without ever having to leave your home.

You could try these clear aligners by ALIGNERCO, for instance. If you want to get custom clear aligners, they will send you an impression kit that they will use to get a mold of your teeth. They will then make them for you and send them through the mail. The best thing about these invisible braces is that you can wear them at night only, which allows you to keep your same daily routine.

These invisible aligners will treat a wide variety of issues, but not all. For instance, if you have something like a severe overbite, then they might not be able to do much for you. As long as the issue is not with the structure of your jaw, then it can usually be fixed with clear aligners.

Metal Braces

If your issue is severe, then you might want to look at metal braces. These demand a lot more dedication and cost much more than clear aligners, but they’re sometimes the only solution. Note that they have come a long way since they were first introduced and are much nimbler and more comfortable than they once were. They have much less metal these days and the brackets are smaller. You can even style them up with different rubber band colors.

However, you have to be ready to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $7,500 for them depending on where you live, the professional you’re working with, and the severity of your condition.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are another option you could consider. One of the benefits of those is that the archwires and the braces are tooth-colored or clear, which makes them a much more discreet option. They aren’t quite invisible, but they’re pretty close and can deal with complex teeth issues as well.

While they share some similarities with metal braces, they have some significant differences too. For one, metal braces tend to be more durable and less prone to staining. They also tend to cost a little bit more. You might have to pay as much as $8000 for them depending on your location, insurance coverage, and severity of your case.


If you have minor gaps between your teeth or if you have a slight misalignment, then going for veneers could be another option. Porcelain veneers are a popular option for people who have chipped teeth, but they can also be used to straighten them. They consist of a thin layer of porcelain or other material that is laid on top of the teeth to transform your smile.

Veneers are a great choice if the issue is minor, and it could also revitalize your smile. They will cost a lot less than braces, though they won’t be able to fix your whole dentition. Whatever you do, make sure that you choose the right dentist for the procedure as they may look unnatural if they’re not applied the right way. If you’re reading this from Australia, learn more about composite veneers in Melborne. Choosing the right dentist will not only make a world of difference on their appearance but how long they will last as well.

Dental Bonding

Another thing you could try if you have a gap between your teeth would be to go for dental bonding. This technique allows the dentist to painlessly connect your teeth together by applying a layer of composite resin over the affected teeth. This technique is often referred to as cosmetic bonding and can be used to treat a variety of issues. It can be used to reshape teeth and even fix discoloration issues in some cases.

As you can see, there are tons of different solutions if you’re dealing with crooked teeth. Don’t despair, and look at as many options as you can so you can find the one that works for you.

Feature photo by aleksandra85foto

About the author

Aubrey Stevens