Beauty & Body

8 Awesome Ways to Get Glowing Skin Overnight

Beautiful skin
Cash for your car

Stop dreaming about achieving well-hydrated, naturally glowing skin. Whether you suffer from dry, oily, or combination skin, making a few tweaks to your daily routine will give you glowing, dewy complexion. Sticking to a skin care program that includes using the right skincare products can help you obtain a healthy glow overnight.


Drinking water isn’t just good for weight loss. Hydration or the lack of it shows in your skin. The easiest and least expensive way to get healthy glowing skin is by drinking plenty of water. Always have a water bottle by you, even on your nightstand.


For beautiful, glowing skin work from the inside-out. Your skin shows what you put into your body. To get and maintain glowing skin, strive to eat a balanced diet. 

Eat This 

Nutrient-rich foods like salmon and dark, leafy greens, help improve your skin’s appearance. Increase your consumption of vitamins, trace elements, omega 3 and 6, and lactic cultures. Cruciferous vegetables, fermented products, and other detox-friendly foods help you obtain a dewy complexion.

Antioxidant-rich foods that naturally protect your skin from harmful UV rays, include:

  • Grapes
  • Berries
  • Nuts

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables also helps perk up dull skin. 


Taking a probiotic daily to improves and maintains gut health and healthy digestion is the foundation of beautiful skin. For your diet to improve the appearance of your skin, you need to absorb the vitamins and minerals you consume effectively. Taking a probiotic daily enables your body to do so.   

Limit your consumption

You may not realize that some of your favorite foods are doing a number on your complexion. If glowing skin seems out of reach, try keeping a food diary and concentrate on your consumption of pasteurized foods and simple carbohydrates.


Studies show that dairy aggravates the skin, and the pasteurization process used on many milk-based products promotes acne.


Over consuming wheat causes sleep problems, even in those without allergies or sensitivities to gluten. Better sleep leads to better skin.


Refined sugars increase the amount of insulin your body produces. An increase in insulin often results in acne. Eating foods with too much sugar also ages your skin.

Beauty sleep

There’s a reason it’s called beauty sleep. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule refreshes both you and your skin. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night allows your skin cells to repair and regenerate. 


After you wash your face twice a day to get rid of the dulling effects of dirt, oil, pollution, and clogged pores, apply a toner. Toner enables all the goodness from the other products you put on your skin, including serums, moisturizers, and makeup, to get deeper into your skin. Be sure to use the toner that is right for your skin type. 

Oily skin 

If you suffer from oily skin, use a toner with witch hazel or salicylic acid.

Dry Skin

Clarifying toners with glycerin and ceramides work best on dry skin.


Serums are products that help even out skin tone with topical antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. Serums include topical retinol and work as targeted treatments for wrinkles, pigmentation, and redness.

The molecules in serums deeply penetrate your skin and hydrate it on the deepest level. Serums help boost the hydrating effects of your moisturizer by delivering a concentrated dose of nutrients. For a powerful skincare combination, consider serums with retinol and hyaluronic acid to promote skin renewal and hydration. For best results, apply serum to your face and neck in the morning and evening before applying your moisturizer.


Dry skin looks dull. To get glowing skin overnight, use a humidifier while you sleep, and at least once a day, use a good moisturizer to hydrate your face, especially in the winter because pumped in hot air is notably drying.


Every month or so, your skin makes room for new cells by shedding dead ones. However, some dead cells don’t slip off entirely. When not completely removed, dead cells cause dry, flaky patches and clogged pores. The benefits of exfoliating at least once a week include:

  • Allowing your skin to look brighter 
  • Enhances absorption and improves the effectiveness of your skincare products 
  • Fewer breakouts

Long-term exfoliating increases your skin’s production of the collagen protein. In addition to making your skin more glowing and vibrant, collagen improves skin elasticity and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and sagging. 


Wear sunscreen every day, even if it’s not sunny out. UV rays damage skin cells. Skin damaged by the sun looks uneven and reduces its ability to reflect light, making it impossible for you to get the glow you’re looking to achieve.

To get glowing skin, use products, practice, and patience. Don’t let stress, diet, age, or a lack of sleep robs you of healthy, radiant skin. Use these tips to transform your dull, tired skin to luminous and glowing overnight.

About the author

Aubrey Stevens