Beauty & Body

Salon Grafix Healthy Hair Nutrition- Evolved Hair Care at an Affordable Price

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As all things evolve, hair care has had its own evolution. We grew up using sudsy shampoos that seemed to make our hair squeeky clean and shiny. Little did we know that ordinary shampoos contain harsh detergents, chemicals, as well as ingredients that gave us that sudsy lather, which strip color and contribute to dryness and hair damage.

Do we have other options? We see the infomercials on tv with the celebrity stylist hawking their new lines. For most people, that would be nice, but the monthly cost of such products can rival their monthly car payment.

Salon Grafix, known as a longtime leader in high-quality hair care, is also affordable. They have recently released their new product line, Healthy Hair Nutrition, that delivers on all the attributes of a fine haircare line.

Salon Grafix Haircare products maintain hair health and color while removing dirt and product build up, leaving brilliant natural shine. When it comes to Healthy Hair Nutrition, what could be healthier than what is natural to the hair? Two new products from this line just hit shelves in time for spring 2012.
The Healthy Hair Nutrition line consists of the Conditioning Cleanser and the Intensive Hair Repair Masque. Salon Grafix promises that these new additions will adhere to their company’s long-standing philosophy of supplying salon quality products to the masses for a modest price.

Salon Grafix’s 30 plus years of experience in the hair product industry, paired with the assistance of one of the top hair care product formulators in the country make this evolved line of hair care possible.

What makes the Healthy Hair Nutrition products so unique is that they primarily utilize botanical ingredients such as Camellia Sinensis (green tea) leaf extract which tones and protects the scalp and Geranium Maculatum (Geranium leaf extract) which helps to repair dry, damaged hair as well as restore balance to oily hair. The citrus crème fragrance, specially formulated for this new line, provides top notes of lemon, mandarin and crisp greens with heart notes of jasmine and rose; all based off of creamy woods, powder and musk scents to tantalize the senses.

Healthy Hair Nutrition Conditioning Cleanser

This revolutionary product is a new concept in hair care. The product is a lather-free, conditioning cleanser that gently cleans hair without stripping hair of the natural oils it needs to stay healthy, shiny and full of body. It is a single step hair care regimen process that takes the place of five products; shampoo, daily conditioner, deep conditioner, leave-in conditioner and detangler. The color-defending formula conditions and revitalizes damaged hair, from roots to ends. It is designed for use on all hair types and has a light citrus crème scent. This lather-free formula will gently clean your hair of dirt and grease, but not of its natural oils, keeping your locks healthy, clean and full of their natural nutrition.

Salon Grafix Healthy Hair Nutrition Conditioning Cleanser retails for $8.49 and will be available for purchase at CVS, Walgreens and Wal-Mart as well as other select retailers throughout the nation.
Healthy Hair Nutrition Intensive Hair Repair Masque

Salon Grafix’s Intensive Hair Repair Masque effectively hydrates, nourishes and protects dry and damaged hair; without weighing it down. By giving hair a weekly deep conditioning treatment, you add long-lasting moisture, body and shine that helps restore and even strengthen your hair’s condition. The color-defending formula has a refreshing citrus crème scent that is the perfect remedy after chemical treatments or excessive heat. This remarkable new formula is a true necessity for everyone looking for healthy, naturally beautiful hair.

Salon Grafix’s Healthy Hair Nutrition Intensive Hair Repair Masque retails for only $8.49, making it more affordable than similar styling products that typically cost five times the amount. Being able to get professional styling results has never been simpler with a large availability at CVS, Walgreens and Wal-Mart as well as other select retailers throughout the nation.

The product line is also available for purchase online as well as at various retail chains across the country.

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