Health & Fitness

Signature Chelate: An Antidote to Modern Age Arsenics

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Do you ever feel rundown or sluggish for no apparent reason? You may be poisoned, literally. LAs the Place discovered a tune up for the body to rid it of arsenics like mercury, lead and other toxins we’re exposed to in everyday  life. Signature Chelate dietary supplement, created by Sylvie Beljanski, cleans out your system so you can get ‘more miles to the gallon’ for your body.

Tune-Up for Your Body

Tune-Up for Your Body

When Sylvie Beljanski, daughter of the late biochemist/biologist and environmental medicine pioneer Dr. Mirko Beljanski, was feeling fatigued and sick, her doctors could not pinpoint what was wrong. After months of having no energy, she went to see a chelation specialist who tested her for heavy metals. They discovered she had an overload of arsenic, and used chelation therapy to rid her body of the excess toxins. After the chelation, Sylvie rebounded in energy and felt much healthier and resilient.

From drinking water to food like fish and other seafood, trace levels of arsenic are found in daily life. The problem comes when the trace levels build up and our bodies can no longer eliminate the arsenic. This can be true of other daily toxins as well. In today’s industrial world, there is no escaping the consumption of toxins. Through chronic exposure to everyday items like mercury, lead, and arsenic, we are exposed to a variety of dangerous toxins daily. Traditionally, chelation therapy, the administration of chelating agents (compounds that bind to metal ions) to the blood stream, is administered intravenously and is performed several times a year.  However, Sylvie realized that she, as well as many others, wanted a more convenient, less invasive method to rid the body of toxins.

This inspired Sylvie to create “Signature Chelate,” an innovative oral chelation formula which uses high-quality, natural ingredients to help support the body’s natural process of detoxification. The formula combines L-glutathione – a tri-peptide containing L-cysteine, Humifulvate™,Chlorella and Chitosan.

Humifulvate™, a key ingredient in Signature Chelate is obtained from a 3,000 – 10,000 year old geologically young peat deposit on the shores of Lake Balaton in Hungary. These peat deposits contain many types of humic and fulvic acids, chemical by-products of decomposition of organic matter. Humic and fulvic acids are very efficient chelators and ion exchangers.

Get your system optimized to experience boundless energy and restore vitality by ordering Signature Chelate today for 60 capsules, $38:

Or call toll free: (888) 308-7066

About the author

Lanee Neil