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Catching Up With the Bachelor’s Erica Rose

Cash for your car

Since filming wrapped on the "Bachelor: Rome", Erica Rose, America’s most infamous bachelorette, has managed to keep a full schedule. In between filming her pilot for a hush-hush upcoming reality show, Erica has managed to utilize her notoriety to create a line of tiaras, yes tiaras, cleverly entitled T-ERICAS.

Erica Rose Erica recently sat down with LA’s the Place to fill us in on life after The Bachelor and to answer a few of our burning questions.

LATP: Tell us about being the most talked about bachelorette on the hit ABC series "THE BACHELOR."

Erica Rose: It was a lot of fun and I loved that people were talking about me; I didn’t care if it was positive or negative!

LATP: What have you been up to since the show finished filming?

ER: I’ve been living in LA and having the time of my life!  I just shot the sexiest women of reality TV 2008 calendar it just came out.

LATP: Have you kept in contact with any of the girls from the show?

ER: I keep in touch with almost all of the girls! We went to Vegas together in April and we are going to NYC together in November.

LATP: How did your life change since the show initially aired?

ER: It’s changed when people that I don’t know recognize me or think they know me.  I’ve gotten to go to a lot of fun events and parties since then.

LATP: The show labeled you a socialite. How does it feel to be compared to the likes of Paris Hilton?

ER: I had nothing to do with being labeled as a socialite.  While I guess it’s true, I don’t think I have much in common with Paris.  I graduated from Emory University and I’ve never made a sex tape or gone to jail.

LATP: Tell us, because we are all dying to know, is reality TV scripted?

ER: All I can say is it’s as real as you want to be.

LATP: I hear you recently launched a line of exclusive Tiaras called "T-ERICAS." Tell us about those.

ER: I only use real stones and precious metals.  I design them for all occasions like sweet 16s, quinceneras, weddings, and debutantes, even just a night on the town.

LATP: Did you have any inspirations behind launching the line?

ER: I was inspired to design the line when everyone asked me where I got my tiaras.  I wanted to help women bring out their inner princesses.  I’ve been lucky to team up with truly inspiring jewelers like Baccarat and design special tiaras.

LATP: What has been the hardest part of launching your own tiara line?

ER: Getting my website done, just the technical stuff.

LATP: I hear you and your mom design these tiaras together. Any creative differences?

ER: Not really, she’s an artist so she has impeccable design sense.

LATP: You recently moved from Houston to Los Angeles. What are your plans now that you are here?

ER: Just to continue on the path I’m on…hopefully meet a nice guy!

LATP: I hear you recently began filming for a reality show for a top TV network. Any details you can spill?

ER: Unfortunately I can’t because I’m under contract…all I can say is it’s hilarious so far!

LATP: What did you gain the most from being on the show?

ER: I’ve become more confident and really know myself.

LATP: Would you do "The Bachelor" again?

ER: For the right guy, but I’d rather do The Bachelorette and do the choosing!

LATP: After being labeled a "drama queen," from the TV show, what three things would you like people to know about you?

ER: I’m surprisingly low-key.  An ideal Saturday night for me would be staying in with a guy who I really like and watching TV.

* I may be a drama queen but I’m definitely not a Bitch, I’m actually very sweet.

* I’m not dramatic with my girlfriends.  I think they think of me as the fun, funny one.

LATP: Describe your dream job.

ER: Reality TV is pretty fabulous!  I think TV hosting is fun too.  I would love to host a high-end travel show.


About the author

Gianna Brighton


  • I think Erica was a total breath of fresh air on The Bachelor. She is intelligent, funny, beautiful, and far more interesting than most, if not all, of the other contestants.

    In the penultimate episode where all the girls are interviewed, her comments were hilarious!

    I would be very interested in seeing Erica in some kind of comedy series where her natural sense of humor is nurtured, rather than have her merely recite ‘funny lines’ scripted for her character.

    Erica, you ROCK!

    Jenni (South Africa)

  • Erica Rose is so interesting, I heard she placed in national ski racing, Nastar, was born in New York and Aspen, and graduated magna Cum Lade from Emory University in Journalism and theatre. Was she acting on The Bachelor? Someone said she was a former television entertainment reporter in Houston, Texas. What kind of guys does she date, is she still dating Prince Lorenzo? I heard they were seen in Aspen at the Caribu club, and in Las Vegas.