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Better Sleep Utilizing Cannabis with KANHA FX-SLEEP

There is a prevelance of sleep deprivation among people today that has become a pervasive issue. The quest for effective solutions has led to groundbreaking innovations at the intersection of science and cannabis. National Sleep Awareness month is shedding light on recent breakthroughs in cannabinoid research that are giving rise to the next generation of functional sleep products.

Leading the charge in this burgeoning field is Sunderstorm, a California-based cannabis manufacturer, and the visionary behind the award-winning cannabis brand KANHA. Under the leadership of CEO Cameron Clarke, Sunderstorm has pioneered the development of innovative sleep products that harness the therapeutic properties of cannabis.(Scroll down to read our interview with Cameron Clarke)

At the forefront of KANHA’s offerings is KANHA TRANQULITY, hailed as one of the most successful cannabis sleep products on the market. Leveraging premium cannabis oil extracted from pesticide-free flowers and all-natural ingredients, KANHA crafts a wide range of gummy flavors and experiences designed to deliver a consistent and blissful journey to sleep.

Recently, Sunderstorm unveiled their latest formulation, KANHA FX-SLEEP, a testament to their commitment to scientific rigor and consumer well-being. Developed in collaboration with scientists and board-certified doctors, KANHA FX-SLEEP represents the pinnacle of cannabinoid research, offering a tailored solution for those struggling with sleep disorders.

Cameron Clarke’s entrepreneurial journey speaks volumes about his ability to transform technical innovation into high-impact applications. From co-founding Visionary Information Systems Inc. to pioneering internet-based video streaming with Vodium, Clarke has consistently pushed the boundaries of technological advancement.

We wanted to find out more, so we chatted with Cameron:

LA’s The Place: What factors do you believe have contributed to the growing trend of individuals, particularly parents, seeking cannabis as a sleep aid?

Cameron Clarke: So many factors play a role – accessibility, better information, increased social acceptance – but I’d point to three key drivers behind the growing trend. First, people who try cannabis sleep aids know they work, which creates loyal customers and great word of mouth. Second, there’s a growing desire for natural remedies as an alternative to prescription medication, and cannabis-based products provide that. Finally, speaking for KANHA at least, product innovation has played a major role in making our sleep products increasingly better. For companies that follow the science, we’re learning more and more about cannabinoids, terpenes and entourage effects every day, and it’s impacting the quality of our products. 

LATP: Could you elaborate on some of the most compelling findings or breakthroughs in recent cannabinoid research related to improving sleep quality?

CC: The endocannabinoid system plays a role in the sleep-wake cycle, and cannabinoids target receptors in different ways that influence our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. For example, studies suggest CBD helps with sleep regulation, THC helps with sleep induction, and preliminary evidence suggests CBN may be the most effective sleep aid of all. Our sleep products contain all three, as well as terpenes known to promote restful sleep. It’s also worth pointing out that cannabinoids may help with indirect causes of insomnia, such as anxiety, pain and stress. By contrast, a pharmaceutical approach to multiple issues might involve taking opioids, sedative hypnotics and benzodiazepine at the same time, which creates risk for dependence, addiction and depressing the central nervous system. 

LATP: How does KANHA Tranquility, stand out among other cannabis sleep products in the market, and what inspired the development of the new formulation, KANHA FX-SLEEP?

CC: Let me start by explaining the difference between the two products. Tranquility, our original sleep gummy, features an equal 5mg ratio of CBN, CBD and THC as well as terpenes and essential oils. When we introduced this gummy in 2020, it quickly became our bestseller. This year, we’ve introduced our KANHA FX Smart line of gummies, which features doctor-formulated combos of cannabinoids, terpenes and co-actives for hyper-targeted effects. Our FX Sleep gummy features a 3:2:1 blend of CBN, THC and CBD – 15mg, 10mg and 5mg, respectively – paired with goji berry extract, a small red fruit that studies found can reduce anxiety and improve sleep, as well as and indica-derived terpenes like β-caryophyllene, myrcene and α-humulene. To top it off, we added our proven fast-acting technology for a rapid onset of effects. So, back to the original question, how do we stand out from other cannabis sleep products? We’re a science-first company with a team of doctors and chemists rigorously testing the best all-natural formulas to facilitate restful sleep. I don’t think any other company can honestly say they put in the work and research that we do to craft the safest and most effective products available today.

LATP: Can you explain how cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system to influence sleep, and how this understanding informs the formulation of products like KANHA FX-SLEEP?

CC: It depends on the cannabinoid. CBD, for example, interacts indirectly by prompting the body to produce its own natural endocannabinoids. Interestingly, CBD may also influence sleep by interacting with other systems, like serotonin receptors, and it’s an anxiolytic that calms the mind when it’s preoccupied with stressful situations. But generally speaking, cannabinoids appear to activate sleep-promoting regions in the brain and inhibit neurons that secrete orexin, a neuropeptide that regulates wakefulness. This understanding informs us that the most effective sleep formulas require a comprehensive approach with an entourage of cannabinoids and terpenes. 

LATP: In what ways do you ensure the safety and efficacy of KANHA Tranquility and KANHA FX-SLEEP, especially considering the diverse needs of consumers seeking sleep aids?

CC: In the early days of KANHA, a major factor in our success was a commitment to safety and third-party testing, and that commitment is stronger than ever today. We help ensure safety and efficacy by sourcing the best ingredients, having a strict zero-pesticide policy and lab testing the products multiple times at different stages. Our aggressive testing ensures precision dosage and clean products without any contaminants. Likewise, our Smart Sleep gummy features our fast-acting technology to give consumers more control of the experience. A long wait can increase the risk of taking too little or too much, and you probably have to take the gummy well before you want to go to bed. With fast-acting effects, you can take half a gummy to start, and you’ll know if you need the other half in a matter of minutes. 

LATP: Could you share any insights into the demographic trends surrounding cannabis use for sleep, particularly the reported increase in parents turning to these products?

CC: Last year, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine published a survey that highlighted this trend. According to its findings, 25 percent of American adults say they consume cannabis – regularly or occasionally – to help them fall asleep. Among many potential factors, parents often face high levels of stress due to rising costs, work-life balance, household responsibilities and all the sacrifices that come with being parents. Their minds are moving a million miles a minute, and a sleep gummy can help them slow down and relax as they gently fall asleep. 

LATP: How do you see the landscape of functional sleep products evolving in the future, and what role do you envision KANHA products playing in this evolution?

CC: Ever since the pandemic, functional products have become a growing trend in the nutraceutical market, and all evidence points to continued growth as more consumers move away from pharmaceuticals. This is especially true for consumers who use cannabis for specific medical purposes and want targeted results. As the research continues, cannabis will continue moving toward condition-specific remedies, which is what makes our functional products stand out. KANHA FX SMART Gummies is groundbreaking as the first doctor-formulated cannabis line designed for specific functions and effects. I believe we’ll inspire other cannabis brands to follow our lead, and I know the inclusion of cannabinoids and terpenes will allow our products to compete with the biggest CPG brands and offer a viable alternative.

LATP: What steps does Sunderstorm take to collaborate with scientists and board-certified doctors in the development of its sleep products, and how does this interdisciplinary approach contribute to product innovation?

CC: The first and most critical step was to find the right scientists and doctors to collaborate with on our sleep products. I personally studied science and engineering at Stanford and founded labs in San Diego and Berkeley, and my background helped me find and identify the best people. Our team includes accomplished scientists, triple board-certified doctors, textbook authors and published professors, and that collective knowledge sparks innovation and empowers us to test innovative ideas more effectively.

LATP: Are there any misconceptions or stigmas surrounding cannabis as a sleep aid that you aim to address through the marketing and education efforts of KANHA products?

CC: I think it’s the same misconceptions that some people have about cannabis in general, but scientists like the members of our team have helped reduce these misconceptions over the past decade. I do know that people have had concerns about the dosing of edibles, but now that everything in the licensed market is rigorously tested, consumers can feel more confident that they can control their dosage intake and not consume too much. I also believe effective products help reduce stigmas and misconceptions. As with all medicine, though, I strongly encourage everyone to take a comprehensive approach to their wellness. For individuals with sleep issues, that might include new lifestyle choices, like exercise, yoga and healthier eating, or simple acts like disconnecting from technology 30 minutes before going to bed. The more you do the better. 

LATP: What advice would you offer to individuals considering cannabis-based sleep aids, and what resources does Sunderstorm provide for consumers seeking more information about these products?

CC: Way too many products out there are based on guesswork and basic online knowledge. My advice is to stick with brands that are committed to the science and check for Certificates of Analysis, or COAs, to ensure the products are lab tested and made consistently. A good sleep product involves more than just the choice of cannabinoids. It’s about ratios, dosage, delivery, terpenes and so much more, and it requires good science to make a good product. Our website – – provides information, and we regularly update our blog with more in-depth perspectives, including new clinical studies. Check it out, and if you have any specific questions, please reach out to our team. We’d love to help.

Beyond his business ventures, Clarke’s dedication to social projects underscores his commitment to making a positive impact on society. Initiatives like the Blue Nomad Foundation, focused on funding algae-based research for environmental remediation, highlight his multifaceted approach to social responsibility.

Armed with a graduate degree from Stanford University, Clarke’s diverse experiences across various industries position him as a thought leader in the cannabis sector. His vision, coupled with Sunderstorm’s relentless pursuit of excellence, is poised to redefine the landscape of sleep products, offering hope to millions in search of a restful night’s sleep.

In a time where sleep is often elusive, the marriage of science and cannabis offers a glimmer of hope. With pioneers like Cameron Clarke and Sunderstorm leading the charge, the future of sleep products looks brighter than ever.

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