Home & Family

Make These 4 LA Home Upgrades to Keep Your Family Safe

Home Upgrades to Keep Your Family Safe
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If you want to make sure that your home in LA is safe for your family, there are some specific changes that you need to make to the house. These home upgrades can ensure that there’s a low chance of various risks impacting you and your family. They’re also going to help keep the property safe, assuring you of protection for the investment that is your house. Here are four of these home upgrades to give you the best chance of keeping your family safe.

1. Door and Window Replacement

One of the projects that you may want to start with for your home in LA is door and window replacement. By tackling this project, you can be assured of a home in LA that’s safer from the effects of storms and harsh weather in general. This is the case especially if you invest in door and window systems that have an impact-resistant glazing system of +105/-130 as these can withstand hurricane-force winds. These winds can travel at more than 100 MPH, which is fast enough to cause considerable damage, especially since it’s likely to collect debris as it goes. When you replace the doors and windows, don’t forget to make sure that the laches and bolts on them are solid and dependable.

2. Roof Upgrade

A roof upgrade can also make your home in LA safer and more appealing to boot. Remember that the roof is directly exposed to the elements, and this means that it can suffer a lot of damage over time. A damaged roof is likely to fail at any time with no warning, causing further damage and possibly injuring people. This makes it best for you to call a professional to do a roof inspection and suggest any changes that you may need to make. If you need to do a replacement, note that metal roofing like aluminum or steel shingles can last for 50 years or even longer, while zinc and copper roofs can last for more than 100 years.

3. Siding Replacement

Another way to make sure that your family is safe is to get a siding replacement done if it currently has any issues. These include gaps and cracks or even missing siding. Besides being possible routes for rodents and pests to get into your home, problematic siding will allow for air leaks. These will drive your energy bills up and could leave your home uncomfortable for you and your family. This is something that many homeowners understand, given the fact that the siding market is expected to grow to $126.3 billion by 2024, according to MarketsandMarkets.

4. Exterior Lighting

If you don’t have lighting around your home’s exterior, it’s important to consider installing some. That’s because it can do a lot to keep the exterior safe since criminals will generally not be likely to attempt to do anything to a house that’s well-lit and where they can be spotted easily. With lighting outside your home, you’re also going to have a space that’s more livable, and that you can put to use as you please at any hour of the day. For this to be affordable and effective, it’s a good idea to install LED lights or even set up solar lighting, both of which will be more affordable for you and also more functional. Exterior lighting can also be made more affordable to manage by installing motion detectors that will turn the lights on when they sense motion.

By making these four home upgrades, you can improve your LA home’s safety significantly. You can work on one project at a time, or get them all done at once if you can. In the end, you’ll have a home that’s safer and more appealing, which is a welcome change.

About the author

Timothy Werth