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Tips for Women Who Love Being Pregnant

women who love being pregnant
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If you adore the glow of pregnancy and the way it changes your life for nine months, then you might constantly be looking for ways to achieve the thrill and excitement of pregnancy again, even though you can’t have endless offspring. Then, this guide is perfect for those who are passionate about pregnancy and early motherhood, and who want to find ways to make this happiness last.

Make the Most of Your Pregnancy

Rather than worrying throughout your entire pregnancy and letting it pass you by without enjoying it, you should sit back, relax, and make the most of your pregnancy, even if you develop complications. 

For instance, you should take time to visualize what your life will be like when your new baby comes into the world and make sure you spend as much time as you can with your family and partner while you’re pregnant. You should consider going to pregnant mom’s groups, finding maternity outfits that suit you, attending events focused on motherhood, and going on dates with your partner that will help you to remember your pregnancy forever. 

You might also consider decorating the nursery, going shopping for your new baby, and spending time relaxing and indulging in the company of your unborn child. You could also look at going on a spa day that includes a massage and trying out relaxation techniques such as meditation. You should also consider taking a lot of photos so that you can capture this period in your life for a long time to come.

Help Others Have Kids

If you love being pregnant but don’t want or can’t afford to have more kids of your own, you should consider helping other people to have the kids that they’ve dreamed of. For instance, you might decide to donate your eggs, or to become a surrogate mother. 

Becoming a surrogate is often the best option if you can withstand the emotions of giving the baby to its biological parents at the end of the process. When you’re a surrogate, you’ll be able to experience the joy of pregnancy without the concerns about how you’ll support the child in the future. You will also get financially compensated for this kind deed, which means that you won’t have to bear the financial burden of being pregnant on your own. 

Although some people might misunderstand surrogacy and why you’ve decided to become a surrogate, doing this can allow you to change a couple’s lives forever in a way that you enjoy. If you believe that surrogacy might be the right path for you, you should consider traveling outside LA to find an organization that can help you on your journey, such as one that specializes in surrogacy Denver.

Speak to Your Partner About Having More Kids

However, if your desperation to get pregnant is because you want to bring more kids into your life and expand your family, you should consider having a frank discussion with your partner about your desire for more children. This will allow you to tell them how you feel and can improve the communication between you, ensuring that you’re both on the same page. 

If your partner doesn’t want more kids, you can discuss the reasons why, consider attending marriage therapy, and whether you want to separate in order for you to get the large family that you’ve always dreamed about. If they do want more kids, you can start to create a plan to make this happen, including moving to a bigger house and establishing how your finances will work. You should always pick the right time for this discussion, though, and wait until they’re relaxed, have time, and you’re alone together.

Work With Kids and Pregnant Moms 

Another way to stem your desire to get pregnant is to surround yourself with children and pregnant moms. You can do this by changing your career path. For instance, you might decide to become a midwife or apply for roles in childcare settings. 

Although you might need new qualifications to do this, using your maternal instincts and the skills that you’ve developed throughout motherhood will allow you to thrive in your new job and can calm your desire for more children. In fact, this will allow you to enjoy the best parts of parenthood, all while being able to give the little ones back at the end of the day. 

You’ll also be helping other parents to thrive, contributing to the development of children, and getting to know the kids in your care. If you think that working with kids is the way that you want to go, you should look on job boards and career websites to find out how to get started.

Focus on Your Kids

If you feel the urge to have more children and this is starting to overwhelm you, you should focus your energy on the kids that you already have. They are as deserving of your attention as when you were pregnant, and you need to make sure that you can cope with them, and that they’re happy and healthy before you decide to bring more kids into your life. This means that you should give them a lot of your time, plan fun activities with them, and show them love and affection. 

You might even consider giving up work if you’re financially able to do so, or taking on a part-time role, so you can become a stay-at-home mom and spend more time with them before they inevitably grow up. Although you might think that this is a long way off, it will come round quicker than you expect.

Keep Up Connections

If you miss the connections that you made when you were pregnant with other soon-to-be moms, you should try and enrich these relationships and maintain the friendships that you developed during this period. 

Not only can this help you to get the support and advice that you need throughout motherhood, but it will also give your babies and children the opportunity to meet other kids who might become their earliest friends. Even catching up for a coffee every so often can help you to feel less isolated after your baby is born.

About the author

Danielle Davidson