Style & Fashion

5 Essential Tips for Properly Caring for Men’s Underwear

Properly Caring for Men's Underwear
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Guys, let’s be real – we don’t always give our undies the care they deserve. We toss them in the wash without thinking, mix fabrics that shouldn’t be mixed, and wear them long past their prime. You need to discover durable and stylish men’s underwear. But taking proper care of our unmentionables can make a big difference in how long they last and how comfortable they feel. Follow these essential men’s underwear care tips and you’ll extend the life of your drawers while keeping them fresh.

  1. Read the Care Instructions

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many dudes just throw their underwear in the laundry without checking what the tag says. Different fabrics like cotton, polyester, spandex etc., have specific washing needs. Look for info on temperature, detergent type, bleaching, drying and ironing. Remember, higher heat can damage elastic and fade designs faster over time. When in doubt, wash in cold water with gentle detergent and lay flat or hang dry. Taking an extra minute to read the tag can add months or even years to their lifespan.

  1. Separate by Fabric

One of the biggest mistakes is tossing all your undies in together regardless of material. Boxers and briefs made of cotton, nylon or polyester should be washed separately from more delicate fabrics like silk or modal. The friction and heat from mixing can cause pilling or tears. Save your silky boxer briefs or bikini underwear for their own delicate cycle wash. Also wash any new undies separately at first to avoid potential dye transfer issues onto existing pairs. A little sorting goes a long way towards underwear longevity.

  1. Use a Lingerie Bag

For additional protection, invest in some mesh lingerie bags. These act as a barrier between fabrics by preventing them from rubbing up against each other during the washing and drying process. Putting underwear inside bags also protects elastics and prevents any tangling up. It just takes a few seconds to put them inside the bag but makes a big difference in cutting back on wear and tear. 

  1. Wash After Every Wear

Guys, I know skipping a wash or flipping them inside out for a round two seems tempting, but don’t do it! Wearing underwear multiple times without washing breeds bacteria that can lead to unpleasant odors or skin irritation. Sweat, dead skin cells and oils quickly accumulate in the fabric fibers. So keep your underwear fresh and your body healthy by throwing them straight into the laundry after one wear. For less stress, buy enough pairs to rotate so they have time to fully dry before going back in your drawer.

  1. Replace When Needed

No matter how well you care for them, underwear wears out over time. Keep an eye out for stretched out waistbands, saggy bottoms, thinning fabric and holes. It’s better to retire underwear before it completely falls apart. A good rule of thumb is to replace every 6 months to a year, even sooner if you notice degradation. Upgrade to new pairs that fit well and feel good against your skin – you’ll be glad you did!

Treat your underwear as an essential wardrobe investment and give them the TLC they deserve. Just like you wouldn’t wear ratty old socks full of holes, don’t hang onto worn out undies well past their prime. Follow these five tips and you’ll keep your underwear drawer stocked with comfy pairs that fit great while maximizing their longevity at the same time.

About the author

Mateo Sanchez