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When to Consider a Moissanite Ring Over a Diamond Ring

Moissanite Ring VS Diamond Ring
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Diamonds have historically been a (costly) yet classic choice to mark the occasion of an engagement, and with moissanite emerging as a stunning and eco-friendly alternative, it may be time to reconsider. According to moissanite market research, “the global moissanite market was valued at USD 35 million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach USD 59 million by 2029, witnessing a CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period 2023-2029.”

Due to its similarity to diamonds in property and appearance, many couples are now choosing moissanite for their engagement ring. However, others prefer to take the traditional route and opt for diamonds.  Although diamonds and moissanite have some overlapping similarities, a few key differences set them apart. Here are a few instances where you may consider moissanite rings over diamonds. 

The Brilliance Factor

One of the first things people consider when choosing a gemstone is its brilliance. Diamonds are known for their exceptional sparkle, which is why it is often the top choice for many shoppers. In comparison, moissanite appears even more brilliant than diamonds in certain lighting conditions due to its refractive qualities which produce a higher fire and sparkle.

Durability and Hardness

Durability is another essential aspect to ponder when making this important decision. Diamonds are renowned for their incredible hardness, ranking at 10 on the Mohs scale, which measures a mineral’s ability to resist scratches.

While not as hard as diamonds, moissanite is still a tough contender, ranking 9.25 on the Mohs scale. This means that both stones are excellent choices for everyday wear. So, if you’re leaning towards moissanite, rest assured that it is also durable.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations

Ethical and environmental concerns have gained significant attention in recent years. Diamonds, though beautiful, are often associated with complex supply chains. Shoppers are often concerned about the environmental impact of mined diamonds, so they look for alternative gemstones that offer a similar look.

Moissanite, being a lab-grown gem, eliminates the ethical concerns around mining as it is developed under controlled conditions. Substantially lessening the environmental impact when compared to the process of mining diamonds.

The history of moissanite is fascinating. It is a naturally occurring gemstone, discovered in pieces of fallen meteorites. Due to natural moissanite crystals being very small, it is best to grow this gemstone in a lab. If sustainability and ethics are high on your priority list, moissanite might align better with your values.


Diamonds can be quite expensive, so moissanite is an excellent option if you’re working with a tight budget but interested in a larger gemstone. According to a Brides article, “A moissanite gem is approximately one-tenth the cost of a mined diamond of equal size and quality.”

This cost-effectiveness allows you to invest in a larger stone or a more intricate setting without breaking the bank. It’s a win-win situation where you get the beauty without the financial burden.

Customization and Creativity

Choosing moissanite also offers a creative advantage, as it is offered in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, providing a range of options for your unique design. 

When comparing moissanite vs. diamond, there is no definitive winner. The choice ultimately depends on your preferences, values, and budget.

About the author

Gianna Brighton