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5th Grade Math: How to Help Your Student Improve

5th grade math
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As concepts become harder, there is a chance that students can develop a negative attitude towards the subject. A negative attitude and self-doubt can affect performance. It is crucial to keep your child or student engaged and remove any ounce of negative attitude they may have towards the subject.

Using real-life scenarios to teach and explain math concepts is one way to help kids understand the significance of the subject. Besides that, you can also take them out grocery shopping to see how math is applied in calculating the total cost of items.

Below are essential tips that can help your student become better at 5th grade math.

Make the Lessons Fun

Running through multiple math concepts without using examples where they are applied will make the lesson monotonous and boring. Stir things up a little bit and use props or games to explain different concepts.

For example, games like Snakes & Ladders or Ludo can be perfect for explaining basic arithmetic. Kids will enjoy working out the addition and subtraction problems when playing Snakes & Ladders. While you’re at it, encourage them to work on the calculations without using calculators or phones.

Use Online Resources

Regular practice can take your kid from a novice to a master in 5th grade math. Start by curating a timetable, setting aside around 30 minutes for practice daily. You can use online math worksheets available at Cazoom Math.

The math worksheets are curated to match the school’s curriculum, which makes them perfect for homeschooling. They also have self-assessments after every topic to help the students practice the concepts learned. Teachers and parents can monitor the student’s progress and highlight areas or topics that need extra work.

Reward Good Performance

Studies show that rewarding good behavior can have a positive effect on kids. For instance, you can challenge your kid to try one math problem daily and reward them if they stay consistent for a week.

The rewards will also help them change their attitude towards the subject. Remember, success will not come overnight. Be patient and reward any slight improvement. Improved performance will eliminate any doubts the kids might have about their abilities.

Encourage Teamwork

Besides building good social skills, study groups can help your kid be better at 5th grade math. As a teacher, allow students to work out problems in teams. This will allow the students to think through the questions and develop solutions.

It will also allow kids to explain the concepts to others, which improves their understanding. Encourage the students to think about their problems out loud and avoid using calculators. Solving basic arithmetic mentally will make them better.

Some 5th grade math concepts can be intimidating, hampering learning and make students develop a negative attitude. The tips shared in this guide will help your kids improve their math skills.

For homeschoolers, we encourage parents to use online math worksheets. The worksheets have every tool to make lessons enjoyable and easy to understand. Another feature present is the self-assessment tool that allows students to get instant feedback.

Photo by Olia Danilevich.

About the author

Danielle Davidson