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What to Look for When Buying Sustainable Shoes

sustainable shoes

Everyone these days is into sustainability, as most people are keen to do their bit for the environment and planet. This is why sustainable fashion has become such a big deal, and this includes people buying sustainable shoes that are not only stylish and comfortable, but also great for the green cause.

According to Maria Velniceriu, founder of Missmv, it is important to ensure you know what to look for when buying sustainable shoes. While there are many different options out there these days, you need to make sure you find the ideal footwear for your needs. This means taking a number of important factors into consideration before you make your choices. By doing this, you can do your bit for the environment and enjoy the delights of owning fabulous footwear that is eco-friendly.

In this article, we will look at some of the key things to look for when buying sustainable shoes.

Some Key Factors to Consider

If you want to make the right choices when buying sustainable shoes, it is important that you consider some key factors. This will make it much easier for you to find the right footwear while doing your bit for the environment. So, let’s take a look at some of the key points of consideration:

Research the Company/Brand

One of the first things you should do is to research the company or brand, as you want to ensure that they really are the creators of sustainable footwear and not just making unfounded claims. These days, you might come across various ads on platforms such as Facebook from companies making this claim and that claim, and all too often, it is a scam or, at best, a misleading advertisement. By making sure you do thorough research, you can make sure you are buying your footwear from a company or brand that focuses on sustainable footwear rather than just basing your decision on unfounded claims.

Look at Reviews

Another thing you should always do before you buy your sustainable footwear is to look at reviews, which you can do with ease and convenience online. When you look at reviews, you can learn more about both the brand and the footwear you are interested in, and this can prove invaluable in helping you to make the right decision. Make sure you read through a range of reviews rather than just one or two, as this will give you a much better idea of what to expect. You can then make an informed choice with regard to the brand and footwear you choose.

Consider the Cost

Naturally, you also need to take your budget into consideration when buying any sort of footwear, including sustainable options. As with any footwear, the cost of sustainable shoes can vary based on everything from the brand and retailer to the materials used. So, before you start looking for the perfect sustainable shoes, take the time to look at your budget and work out how much you can afford to spend. You can then focus on sustainable footwear that falls within your price range. Of course, you should also consider the suitability of the footwear and the reputation of the brand in addition to the costs involved.

Check Certifications

If a brand or company claims to be eco-friendly, they need to be able to prove this ethic rather than just making loose claims that cannot be proven. If you buy your sustainable footwear from a company that has no relevant proof of their work ethic, how do you even know that the footwear is sustainable at all? So, it is important to check for relevant certifications that prove the brand creates sustainable footwear rather than just taking their word for it. Some of the many certifications they might have include the Global Organic Textile Standard and the Global Recycled Standard, among others.

Look at the Materials

One of the other things you need to do is to look at the materials. This is not only to ensure that the materials used are right for your specific needs, but also to ensure that the footwear is truly sustainable. You should ideally look for footwear that is biodegradable or recyclable, as this means that you won’t just end up throwing the shoes out once they have worn down. So, make sure you check that the shoes you purchase are made from sustainable materials.

Learn About Packaging

If you want to be really eco-friendly, it is well worth not only looking at how sustainable the footwear is, but also how sustainable the packaging and shipping process is. Many footwear brands that specialize in sustainable products also ensure that this ethic is carried through to its packaging process, and this means that you can make an even greener choice when it comes to your footwear. So, do some research and find out about their packaging materials and process.

Find the Perfect Sustainable Footwear for You

By taking the above factors into consideration when searching for the perfect sustainable footwear, you have a far better chance of finding the perfect ones for your needs. You can then enjoy looking stylish and feeling comfortable while also doing your bit for the green cause. In addition, you can make sure you find shoes that are both sustainable and affordable along with the added confidence of buying from a reputable and respected brand.

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