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The Importance of Regular Property Cleaning: Why Neglecting It Can Cost You

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Cleanliness should be at the top of our priorities list. Whether it’s for aesthetics or ensuring safety, having a clean environment is key to making LA the great city that people desire. To keep up with this glorious level of urban beauty and health, certain preventative measures must be taken – namely, regularly cleaning your property. But before you roll your eyes, there are legal consequences if you neglect it and, more profoundly, health benefits as well when done properly.

How Neglected Property Cleaning Can Lead to Legal Troubles

Neglecting to clean your property regularly can have serious legal consequences. In Los Angeles, it may cost you more than just a bad look from the neighbors if your property is found to be in violation of local codes and regulations. The Los Angeles Municipal Code states that “no person shall fail, refuse or neglect to keep the sidewalk in front of his house, place of business or premises in a clean and wholesome condition.” Failure to do so can result in fines or even legal action taken by local authorities. The Los Angeles Fire Department has certain brush clearance requirements for property owners; failure to comply with these invites an inspection as well as additional fines if found in violation of the code – up to a 200% penalty. Furthermore, neglecting your property can decrease the value of neighboring properties, which could lead to heated disputes between yourself and other homeowners and even to lawsuits that no one wants to deal with. Worse case scenario, ignoring cleaning duties could also create conditions where hoarding situations occur on one’s property creating a multitude of structural and health hazards necessitating costly cleanup efforts, which will likely invite more fines being issued by local law enforcement and legislative bodies. 

How Different Seasons Impact Properties and the Advantages of Hiring Property Cleaning Services

LA’s weather can have a huge impact on the cleanliness of your property, regardless of the season. During autumn, falling leaves can pile up all over your yard and driveway- not to mention clog up gutters and drains. Winter in LA usually isn’t too extreme, but rain and wind still make it possible for debris to accumulate. Then there are springtime allergies from pollen that love to stick around; wet weather can also cause slopes on properties to become unstable due to micro-movements like subtle shifting of soil particles leading to potentially dangerous landslides. In the summertime, when things get hot (in more ways than one) dirt and dust start showing up everywhere – leaving you with surfaces that just don’t look their best no matter how much ‘self cleaning’ you might do. 

So what’s a person or organization invested in keeping their property clean supposed to do? Consider hiring dedicated professional services. Professional cleaning company staff come fully trained in proper safety protocols as well as being equipped with higher standards of cleanliness – setting them apart from regular people who aren’t aware of specifics associated with quality housekeeping. They also bring lots of tools plus their own supplies, meaning they save you time and money and put it straight into your wallet in the long run, which is always a good thing. And precisely due to how often you should hire them – their services can prevent a costly build-up of pesky dirt, grime and debris that with time will lead to big damage to your property. Last but not least, as discussed above, neglecting proper cleanliness could lead to legal consequences and fines from local authorities so playing it safe all around is the best move for everyone involved.

The bottom line is to make sure you take care of your property so it doesn’t become a hassle for both yourself and the community. Regularly maintaining your property not only keeps it looking nice – but prevents legal issues down the road.

Photo by Lisa Fotios

About the author

Gianna Brighton