Business Life's Evolution

How To Make the Most of a Networking Event

How To Make the Most of a Networking Event

Your career is probably important to you, and networking is an essential part of your growth. Explore how to make the most of a professional career event.

Cash for your car

Even if you have career satisfaction, you don’t have to stay in the same place or the same type of position—there’s always room for growth. While many believe they can get everything they need from virtual communications, there’s something special about meeting and connecting with new people in person. Follow along to learn how to make the most of a networking event, whether you’re seeking a new opportunity or simply making connections in your field.

Research the Event

Even if you’ve been to several career networking events, you should still take the time to research each one to determine what it’s about and its happenings. Check out the companies that’ll be there, the seminars and workshops offered, connection sessions, and more to ensure you use your time effectively. If you know what to expect, you can get the most out of the entire event.

Aim for a Professional Appearance

Deciding on your outfit or hairstyle for the day can be daunting—you don’t want to look too casual or formal. That said, aim for a professional look. You want to look put together and approachable; remember, modesty is key. For many, choosing the right attire is the hardest part of attending career-oriented events. Consider this helpful guide to selecting your dress for work events to ensure you look and feel comfortable, confident, and professional.

Keep Conversations Short and Mingle

Although it can be tempting to stick close to familiar people during the event, meeting new people is the entire purpose. Keep your conversations short with everyone so you can connect with several people. If you’re not very outgoing, networking events are the perfect opportunity for you to step out of your comfort zone and talk to people. Remember, everyone is there for the same reason, so just be yourself!

Keep Business Cards and a Pen Handy

Be sure to carry business cards and a working pen when attending career events. Business cards are an excellent way to keep track of the people you meet. While keeping your conversations short is the best method, you can give your business card to those you find interesting or those you would like to connect with in the future. You can also collect business cards from others and write information on them to help you remember why you wish to connect.

Pro Tip

Write something personal from the conversation (e.g., their favorite sports team, hobbies, or movies) on the back of their business card to help you build rapport in the future.

Now that you know how to make the most of a networking event, you’ll know how to go about building the right connections. Your career is important, and there’s nothing better than taking advantage of growth opportunities.

About the author

Stephanie Ross