Headline Article Health & Fitness

Exploring the Health Benefits of California Mushrooms

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California might not be the largest mushroom-producing state in the nation – that heavyweight title goes to Pennsylvania, which produces 66% of ‘shrooms in the US. However, Cali comes in second, producing 11% of these delightful morsels every year for mushroom lovers around the country, and Californians are all too happy to take advantage of the bounty.  Versatile, robust, and yummy, these little umami bombs are used in innumerable ways. But did you know mushrooms are also a superfood? Yes! Read further about the health benefits of California mushrooms.

The Miracles of Mushrooms and Their Nutritional Value

Mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cuisine, but their nutritional value is often overlooked. According to mushroom experts, the fungi are low in calories and fat, making them an excellent addition to any diet. They are also a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

In fact, California mushrooms are one of the few natural sources of vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and immune function. Additionally, ‘shrooms contain antioxidants that can help protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals.

With such a wide range of nutrients, it’s no wonder that mushrooms have been studied extensively for their potential health benefits and heralded for their healing powers.  Want to know more? If so, read on about the health benefits of eating California mushrooms.

Immune-Boosting Potential of Mushrooms

Used as medicinal agents for centuries, mushrooms have long been hailed as a powerful source of healing and are well-known for their immune-boosting properties. In fact, modern research has confirmed that mushrooms contain compounds that can enhance the activity of immune cells, such as natural killer cells and T-cells. These compounds are called beta-glucans, which are found in the cell walls of mushrooms.

In addition to beta-glucans, California mushrooms also contain other immune-boosting compounds such as ergothioneine and selenium. Ergothioneine is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, while selenium is a mineral that plays a vital role in immune function.

Anti-Cancer Effects of Mushrooms

Mushrooms possess anti-cancer properties that can help prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells. One of the ways mushrooms achieve this is through their ability to enhance the immune system’s response to cancer cells. Remember those beta-glucans we talked about earlier? Well, those are complex sugars that stimulate the production of white blood cells responsible for fighting off infections and diseases – including cancer.

Additionally, certain types of California mushrooms, like shiitake and maitake, contain compounds called polysaccharides that have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory studies. These polysaccharides work by blocking the formation of new blood vessels that tumors need to grow and spread.

Mushrooms Are Good Brain Food

Mushrooms also contain polyphenols which have been known to thwart cognitive deterioration in the elderly.  To wit, an ongoing study of polyphenol-packed foods such as cocoa, coffee, and mushrooms revealed that chemical agents in these foods might be an ally against brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Another study in Singapore revealed that eating a three-fourths cup of mushrooms twice a week resulted in better memory and improved cognitive function in test subjects.  To get the max out of these brain-bolstering beauties, cook California button mushrooms before you eat them, as this releases and intensifies their healing effects.

Eat California Mushrooms for a Healthy Heart

Not only are these delightful fungi delicious, but they might also be a superhero for your heart health.  To explain, mushrooms contain something called glutamate ribonucleotides. This is the stuff that gives mushrooms their umami, salty flavor – but without all the sodium contained in actual salt. Consequently, many heart patients are substituting mushrooms for salt and even swapping red meat for ‘shrooms in their diet to get that savory flavor without the heart-damaging effects of sodium.

In Conclusion

You’re smart and savvy, so you know that nothing in this article is meant to serve as medical advice.  You probably also know that introducing new foods to your diet affects different people in different ways, and you should always consult a medical professional before adding new foods to your diet.  That said, we hope these insights into the health benefits of California mushrooms inspire you to saute, steam, bake, and cook your way to good health with the marvelous mushroom.

Photo by ELEVATE

About the author

Gianna Brighton