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Things That Can Affect Your Relationship Over Time

Things That Can Affect Your Relationship Over Time

Many factors can negatively affect your relationship over time, from snoring to ignoring your partner’s text messages. It can get rocky in paradise.

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When you and your partner got together, it was almost like you could hear the wedding bells. Now, you’re unsure, but you don’t know why. Love is not the only piece of the pie that makes the relationship wholesome. It takes effective communication, understanding, and patience to have a lifetime of love.

If you’re wondering how you and your love can get out of this hump, here are a few things that can affect your relationship over time and how to solve these problems.

Being a Buzzkill

Not having fun with your partner can take a toll on your relationship. We get with our partners because we like being around them and exploring the world together, but once that’s gone, what’s next? Don’t let the fun leave your relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together. If you both love hiking, go hiking. Love swimming in the ocean? Take a monthly beach trip. Do what it takes to fight for your love.

You Stop Expressing Your Feelings

As relationships grow, for some, it’s natural to stop showing your adoration when you’re feeling loving or showing your anger when you’re upset. Not being able to express your feelings or feeling as if expressing yourself makes the situation worse can affect your relationship.

Even if you think you’re being redundant or “extra,” your feelings are valid and are important to share. Express your feelings because anything as small as a snoring problem can affect your relationship without communication. Yes, the lovey-dovey feelings may fade into a more subtle feeling, but that doesn’t mean you should stop telling them how you feel.

Ignoring Your Partner

Ignoring your partner is one of the worst things you can do to your relationship. Being ignored means they don’t care enough to engage in a conversation. This can even be as small as ignoring a text or the posts they send you on TikTok—yes, it’s that deep. If you find that you and your partner frequently ignore each other, your relationship may be in trouble.

However, there’s always hope. Talking with one another and possibly going on a weekend getaway may be what the love doctor prescribes. Talk to your partner about your concerns and try to improve your attention skills (and vice-versa).

Not Having Enough Time for Each Other

One of the most common things that can affect a relationship is having less time to spend with your partner. Chances are, when you and your partner got together, you weren’t in the same positions as you are now. Maybe you both met in college while they were job hunting, and now their job requires most of their time.

To solve this, try to set aside time every day to get away from your job and adulting responsibilities and spend that time in each other’s company. Talk about things that aren’t job- or adulting-related, like celebrity gossip or watch YouTube videos together—do something that brought you guys together in the first place.

About the author

Stephanie Ross