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Signs Your Aging Parent Needs More Help at Home

Signs Your Aging Parent Needs More Help at Home

Your mom and dad have guided you through life. You’ve relied on them to help you, teach you, and pick you up when you’re feeling down.

It’s hard to think of the people you’ve counted on for so long now needing to count on you. But as parents age, they may start to need you more than you realize. Watch for these signs your aging parent needs more help at home.

Bills Piling Up

One common sign that things aren’t going well at home is unpaid bills. Check when you visit your parent that they haven’t discarded or neglected utility and credit card bills. For some older folks, balancing their checkbook and paying bills can become overwhelming.

Others may grow frustrated with online bill paying and simply give up. Make sure your parent isn’t in danger of utility shut-offs or collection agency calls.


When an ordinarily well-kept home becomes overrun with trash, dirty dishes, unwashed laundry, or hoarded possessions, your parent may need help cleaning up.

Your loved one may truly want to divest themselves of all those school projects they’ve saved since you were in kindergarten, but sorting through them can become too much for some. Starting and stopping such a project is a sign your aging parent needs more help at home.

Weight Changes

Has your parent lost or gained a significant amount of weight recently? This could indicate poor nutrition or trouble grocery shopping and selecting healthy foods. Pots and pans with burn marks can also be a signal that your parent isn’t safe cooking on their own anymore; they may leave pots unattended on the stove until they nearly start a fire.

Falls and Mobility Issues

Unexplained bruises require attention. Many seniors don’t want to admit physical frailty or accidents, fearing you will take away their independence. But falls can cause serious injuries, and complications from falls can even lead to death.

If your parent shows evidence of having fallen at home, check for tripping hazards and correct them. Then look into hiring 24-hour home care for them to ensure their safety.

Medication Mix-ups

Many seniors have a complicated medication schedule with multiple pills to take at specific times. Each drug has different instructions. They must take some with food, while other medications require drinking more water or avoiding certain foods.

Perhaps you have been picking up refills for your folks, and they haven’t asked you to do that recently. It’s important to be aware that problems maintaining medication schedules is a sign your aging parent needs more help at home.

Dangerous Driving

If you’ve already sworn that you’d never get into a car when your mom or dad are driving ever again, that’s a sign your aging parent needs help. Older folks may not want to give up their driver’s license or may be in denial about how dangerously they’ve been driving. But you may find they’ll be relieved when you offer an alternative to driving, such as a local senior center’s bus or ride service. A visiting caregiver can even drive your parents to their medical appointments.

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