Travel & Recreation

How To Prepare for Winter in Your Camper Van

How To Prepare for Winter in Your Camper Van
Cash for your car

When the leaves fall and the weather gets colder, people begin to prepare their homes for the winter. Winter preparations are essential for people who live in camper vans, especially when camping is a primary part of the lifestyle. These preparations will help van campers stay warm and safe during the winter and continue their liberating lifestyle on the road.

Insulate the Van

Your van isn’t as insulated as a house or apartment, so you’ll need to install your insulation to trap heat in the van. Covering the windows and windshield with a plastic adhesive that keeps out cold should be an easy setup. The van’s walls need thicker insulation as the metal will have trouble trapping heat; using PIR boards or sheep wool will insulate the best. Both materials will cut easily and have a lot of soft density, making the van more comfortable for the time you will spend inside.

Place a Rug on the Floor To Keep It Dry

As you come in from the outside and the ground is wet with snow, a rug will help you keep the inside of the van dry. Even if a thin layer of fabric covers the bottom of the van, it may take a while for the liquid to dry completely. Placing a rug inside the van will help you dry the floor and give you a warmer surface to have your bed or sleeping bag on as you sleep. You can use a nice decorative rug that matches any holiday decorations in your camper van, such as wreaths or Christmas lights.

Install Snow Tires Before the First Snowfall

Snow tires are essential for anyone preparing for the winter, especially when they live in a camper van. Snow tires will make driving on snow easier, and since the weather can be unpredictable, driving on a snowy campground is expected. You’ll want to place snow tires on your van before the first snowfall, so you should begin your installation in October at the latest.

Find a Portable Car Heater

Warmth is a priority when preparing for the winter in a camper van. The valuable resource of a portable car heater will keep you warm long enough until the morning and make camping more comfortable. The heater plugs into the vehicle’s battery port and will have settings for how hot you need it in your van. You’ll need to be mindful of how much battery power you’re using, so you don’t need to ask for a jump from a fellow camper or end up stranded.

The winter months are some of the harshest months of the year, and it helps always to be prepared for them. Use these tips to help you prepare your camper van for the winter and give yourself an easier time battling the cold.

About the author

Stephanie Ross