
Tips To Improve a Small Parking Structure

Tips To Improve a Small Parking Structure
Cash for your car

Does your business’s parking structure have enough room to accommodate your number of visitors and customers? Small parking structures can be a turn-off for customers who don’t want to deal with the headache of searching for a parking space. Utilize these tips to improve a small parking structure to transform your commercial garage and encourage more visitors.

Utilize Smart Parking Sensors

It can be frustrating for customers to drive in circles around a parking garage only to not be able to find an available space. If your structure doesn’t already utilize this technology, consider adding parking sensors to notify visitors when the garage is full. You can install pavement sensors or cameras in your parking garage to detect when all available spaces on certain floors are full. This saves you time and manpower that you would usually dedicate to inspecting floors for open spaces. Utilize this technology to monitor parking space and notify your visitors at the entrance.

Utilize Stack Parking

If you’re looking for ways to introduce more parking spaces, expanding your structure is not the only option. You can create more parking spaces in your current structure by utilizing stack parking technology. Stack parking lifts are mechanisms that double the parking spaces in your commercial garage by “stacking” vehicles using raised platforms. Car stackers allow you to use vertical space that is otherwise wasted in your parking structure. Many semiautomatic parking structures utilize stacked car parking systems to expand their parking and make parking more efficient for customers.

Invest in Fully Automated Parking

If you’re looking for the next step up from car stacking, you may want to consider robotic parking solutions and fully automated parking systems. Fully automated parking structures also utilize vertical parking, so you can get more parking space out of the same structure. Additionally, the valet system in an APS structure provides customers with the most convenience when parking. Fully automated parking can be a larger investment, but it offers many benefits that simply expanding your parking garage can’t. Just remember the various factors to consider before purchasing automated parking, including your business’s budget.

If you’re struggling with a parking structure that is too small for your consumer audience, utilize these tips to improve your small parking garage. These examples of modern parking technology can help make your structure more efficient for both your business and its customers.

About the author

Stephanie Ross