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The Advantages of a More Balanced Schedule

When it comes to how you spend your free time, it can be easy to fall into a certain rhythm, which means that every time you encounter a similar amount of time in the future, you instinctively think to spend it the same way. While this might be comforting to you and is perhaps exactly what you want to do, it can go about making this time feel restrictive when it doesn’t have to.

Immersing yourself in a more balanced and varied schedule could have benefits that you’re yet to see from your perspective, as well as potentially helping you to enjoy what you currently do with your downtime even more.

The Novelty Factor

How would that come to be? How could you enjoy something that you already enjoy even more by simply doing it less? By making this particular activity simply one slice of your broader range instead of the whole pie, it makes the time that you do spend with it more special, and you might value that time even more due to the novelty that this activity now has. 

This might sound like you’re just padding out your time with things you don’t want to do to enjoy this one thing even more, but it again comes back to the idea of balance. For example, getting into exercise is beneficial for many reasons, and you might come to enjoy it, but knowing that you can come back home to enjoy something relaxing, like a game or some time on the sofa with the best casino online, can make it feel even more rewarding. 

Getting Healthy

The suggestion of exercise might be a pertinent one, and while it might not be something that you leap for joy at the thought of, exercising more could be something that you not only find massively beneficial from a health standpoint but also in terms of your day-to-day comfort. It might be difficult to imagine at the moment. Still, regular exercise can have a positive impact on your mental health that could make simple moments of downtime even more enjoyable.

It’s not just exercise, though, and you can allot additional free time to the making of food and the expansion of your cooking repertoire to create healthier and tastier meals for you to look forward to.

An Open Mind

While it takes a bit of an open mind to expand your schedule like this in the first place, you might find that the act of incorporating different activities into your life begins to give you a more open-minded perspective. This can be hugely beneficial for helping you step outside of your comfort zone, and might be something that you can become thankful for as you aim to push yourself to do things you wouldn’t normally do. That’s not to say that you have to indulge in activities you know you’ll not like, but sometimes that small bit of anxiety about trying something new can be enough to ward you off of it altogether – and this might help you to overcome that hurdle.

Photo by Ivan Samkov

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