Life's Evolution

5 Ways LA Is Sustainable That You Didn’t Know

sustainable L.A.
Cash for your car

Did you know that Los Angeles is a sustainable city? It’s true! There are many ways in which LA is environmentally friendly, and most people don’t even know about it. In this article, Vikki Gerrard La Crosse, WI green living expert, will discuss five of the most sustainable aspects of LA. Keep reading to learn more!

LA’s Effort Towards Sustainable Neighborhoods

Los Angeles is home to some of the most sustainable neighborhoods in the world. One of the reasons for this is that many of the city’s residents are environmentally conscious and are willing to invest in green infrastructure. For example, many neighborhoods have installed solar panels on their rooftops to enjoy the city’s abundant sunshine.

In addition, many homes and businesses have invested in rainwater harvesting systems, which collect and store rainwater during dry months. As a result of these and other efforts, LA’s sustainable neighborhoods can provide residents with access to clean energy and water while reducing their carbon footprints.

Green Transportation Options

There are plenty of green transportation options available in LA. In addition to the city’s extensive public transit system, many electric vehicle charging stations are located throughout LA. This makes it easy for residents to charge their cars while away from home without relying on fossil fuels.

In addition, many businesses and organizations offer employees incentives to use green transportation options. For example, some companies will provide employees with free or discounted bus passes if they agree to take the bus to work instead of driving their car. As a result of these efforts, more and more people are choosing to use sustainable transportation options, which helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in the city.

Delicious Sustainable Food

As the largest city in California, Los Angeles is a veritable melting pot of cultures and cuisines. LA is home to some of the world’s best and most sustainable food. Farm-to-table restaurants are becoming increasingly popular as diners become more interested in knowing where their food comes from.

Vikki Gerrard, La Crosse WI expert, says that LA’s Mediterranean climate makes it possible to grow a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs year-round. This abundance of fresh produce means that chefs can access the ingredients they need to create healthy and delicious dishes. From farm-fresh salads to sustainably-caught fish, there’s something everyone can enjoy in LA.

Sustainable Architecture

LA’s beautiful architecture is sustainable and energy-efficient. Many of the city’s gorgeous buildings are designed to maximize natural light and ventilation, which helps to reduce the need for artificial lighting and bulky heating/cooling systems. In addition, many buildings are constructed with sustainable materials, such as recycled steel and glass. These buildings include the Walt Disney Concert Hall and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

As a result of these efforts, LA’s buildings use less energy and water than traditional structures while also providing occupants with a comfortable and healthy environment.

The Entertainment Industry Goes Green

The entertainment industry is doing its part to be more sustainable. Many studios have recently adopted green practices, such as using solar power to run their facilities. In addition, many productions now use recycled or recyclable materials whenever possible.

These sustainable practices will likely become even more commonplace as the entertainment industry grows. This is good news for the environment and the city of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a leader in sustainability, and there are many ways that residents can help to make the city even more sustainable. By investing in green infrastructure, using green transportation options, and eating Sustainable food, we can all do our part to make LA an even better place to live.

Photo by Roberto Nickson

About the author

Lina Halder