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What Are the Most Common Types of Coffee?

types of coffee

Did you know that drinking one to two cups of coffee every day may defend against heart failure?

There are plenty of different types of coffee to choose from, but even the most avid coffee drinkers may not know the difference between them. Coffee is made from roasting coffee beans, which means that there are different beans and different methods of roasting to choose from.

And to top it all off, there are different methods of brewing your coffee, as well as different syrups and flavors to mix in.

Finding your favorite coffee type doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you know what you’re looking for. By trying a different drink every time you visit a coffee shop, you’ll find your favorite. But you have to know what to order first. 

If you’re interested in learning the most common types of coffee, then keep reading!

Different Types of Coffee Beans

Each species of coffee beans affect the taste of your drink differently. This is because of where it was sourced from. The two main types of coffee beans are arabica and robusta.

Arabica coffee beans are the most common and offer a sweeter taste. 

Different Types of Brewing Methods

When choosing a brewing method, your options range from complex to simple. Automatic drip machines are the most popular choice because it’s easy to use. Here are a few other methods that you may want to consider:

The pour-over method allows you to make a stronger brew. It involves pouring boiling water over grounds in a filter basket that then drips into a cup.

To make an espresso shot, you must use an espresso machine. This is because the process involves pressurized hot water. Click this link if you need help finding the best automatic espresso machine

Common Types of Coffee Drinks

Now that you know the different types of beans and brewing methods involved, it’s time to learn about different coffee recipes. The best part is that these recipes can be served hot or cold, depending on your preference. 


A latte is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk. It is usually topped off with a thin layer of foam, but these drinks are very customizable. 

It’s easy to experiment with lattes since flavored syrups mix well in espresso shots. 


This drink is similar to a latte, but it involves a thicker layer of froth. It is equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. 

Most times, it is served in a smaller cup than a latte.

Choosing Your Favorite Type of Coffee

The benefits of coffee outweigh any cons, which is the perfect excuse to drink your favorite brews throughout the day. Testing out new coffee roasts or recipes may seem intimidating, but you can eliminate disappointment by knowing what to expect beforehand.

The best way to find your favorite drink is by trying different types of coffee. And with this guide, you now know your options.

Did you find this article helpful? If so, make sure to read our other coffee related articles!

Photo by Eneida Nieves

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