Arts & Culture

Easy Ways to Buy Art in 2022

how to buy art
Cash for your car

Purchasing art is a great way to broaden your horizons and really see things in a new light. Each art collector will have their own favorite types of art that they will be able to share with others, keeping the pieces around their home, office, or another location.

If you are new to the world of art, you may want to jump in and get your first few pieces, but are nervous and worried about how to even get things started. Some of the easy ways to buy art in 2022 that you are sure to love include:

Figure Out the Style You Would Like

The first step to this process is to figure out the style and type of art that you would like to have in your home or office. When an art collector first gets ready to jump into the world of art, they may be surprised that there are so many different types of art that they are able to choose from. This can make it difficult to know where to begin.

Do some research on all the different styles and types of art that you can choose and see which ones frequently stand out to you and that you fall in love with. You may like a lot of options and have eclectic tastes, but many art collectors find that there is a specific style that they like to use the most often.

Once you have a good idea of the style you would like the most, you can then begin shopping. This can direct your search and will save you a lot of time looking around and not finding what you love.

Go to a Gallery

how to buy art

Photo by Anthony Arnaud

A good place to start is at a gallery. These often include many different styles of art from a wide variety of artists to give you more choices than you can get from other locations. You can often attend an event and see some of the new items, or ask for a private showing that will let you look around and see what is new.

Many art collectors can take a look at the gallery hours and then show up to take a look around. Others may choose to call around and see if the art gallery has some of the painting styles that they like before they make the drive out.

Art galleries are a wealth of information on art, art styles, and even artists, which makes them a good resource if you would like to learn something new or are not quite sure what type of art you should purchase. Forming a relationship with an art gallery near you could be a good idea if you plan to purchase many paintings.

Shop Online

For those who live in an area that does not have art galleries available or who would like to search around before going in person, it is possible to shop online for some great works of art as well. This opens up a world of art to you, something that may not be possible anywhere else.

Many art galleries will also put their work online. This makes it easier for customers to take a look at the art first and then decide if they would like to come in and look at it in person.

Go to an Auction Preview

There are often auctions that you can attend that will provide artwork for you to purchase. If a well-known art collector has passed on or wishes to get rid of some of the pieces they have collected over time, then this is a great place to start when building up your art collection.

Keep in mind that if the collection comes from a well-known collector or there are pieces that are done by famous artists, then you will have quite a bit of competition when you show up to the auction. Be prepared to spend a little more on some of these auctions, though it is possible to get some great deals depending on which auction you go to.

Consider Working Directly with the Artist

ways to buy art

Photo by Natalia Lavrinenko

As you take more time looking around at the different works of art that are available, you will quickly find yourself drawn to one artist or one style more than the other. Even if you can appreciate more than one type of art or one style, you may still find yourself going for that same artist.

If this is true for you, then a good way to purchase a new piece of art for your life is to work directly with the artist. Many artists will have their own websites and social media pages that they utilize to keep up with fans or to share about the new artwork that they are doing.

Depending on the agreement that they have with the art galleries or other places who sell their work, the artist may have some pieces for sale on the website as well. Sometimes their work is exclusive to the art gallery and sometimes the art gallery or online store will only sell a few of the pieces and the artist is able to do the rest on their own.

A quick research of the artist will help tell you whether they have an online profile that you can follow. Check out their website and see whether they have something new that would interest you. Some may offer discounts if you order on their website since they don’t need to pay the gallery, or will help you out if you purchase several pieces from them.

Choosing the Right Piece of Art

Whether you are just getting started with your dream of creating an art collection or you are ready to add a few new pieces to mix it up, shopping for art in 2022 does not have to be difficult. Take a look at some of the options above and see how you can choose the right piece of art for your needs.

Feature photo by garageband

About the author

Aubrey Stevens