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How to Protect Your LA Business Against Cyber Theft

To run a successful business in LA, you need to make sure that there’s a minimal chance of it being attacked, both offline and online. For the latter, it’s easy to prevent it by taking the right measures to stay safe from cyber theft, and some of them are outlined below.

Get Good Antivirus Software

Purchasing and installing cybersecurity software will always be the easiest and most effective way to ensure your business is safe online. This will help you secure your network and keep it safe from brute force attempts and viruses. It will also scan your portable disks and devices for malware as long as you keep them updated. Secure all the user devices that connect to your business network and you will have an easier time keeping malware and attacks at bay.

Work With a Good Cybersecurity Firm

Rather than attempt to take on the role of securing your business all by yourself, you could outsource this task to a reputable cybersecurity firm. Doing this will free up your time while giving you peace of mind that your company is safe. You will also skip the learning curve that it takes to ensure that you’re doing the best in terms of securing your LA business. The U.S. DoD stated in their memorandum on understanding Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification that CMMC is a priority for them and would safeguard them against losses from cyber theft. These losses cost the nation $100 billion each year and $600 billion globally, which equals 1% of the global GDP.

Train Your Employees on Online Safety

Another step you should take to boost your cybersecurity is to ensure that your employees are trained on all matters to do with online safety. Share important tips with them, such as reminding them to be cautious about connecting to unsecured WiFi networks to work and watching out for phishing scams. Come up with a plan for cybersecurity incidents that may arise so that everyone knows what to do to ensure that company information is constantly kept safe.

Secure Your Data Storage

Don’t forget to secure your data storage and protect the information of both your employees and customers. With online shopping having increased in 2020 by 53%, it’s important for you to make it hard or impossible for online thieves to access this data. Keep backups with the help of a data storage company that fits your company’s specific needs so it’s safe from destruction, loss, natural disasters, and cyber theft. Doing this will enable you to spring back easily in case you encounter an attack online, ensuring you don’t lose valuable time trying to build your company back up from scratch in case disaster strikes.

Audit Your Cybersecurity Measures Regularly

Finally, schedule regular checks and inspections to ensure that your online safety protocols work. This is an important step to take to ensure that your company is fully secured as far as cloud solutions, software, and servers are all in proper running order. If you encounter any vulnerabilities, solve them immediately and ensure that no files have been corrupted, as they will be a ticking bomb. In case of any loss of devices and such, promptly update your passwords and security passphrases so there’s no chance of infiltration. Learn about ransomware and do all that you can to secure your company from it and you will create a safe haven for conducting your online business.

When you follow the tips outlined above, you will have taken proactive steps to secure your business against cyber criminals. Spare the time to do these things and you will be glad that you did. This is because you won’t lose valuable money and customers to preventable incidences of cyber theft.

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