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Common Cosmetic Procedures and When You Would Get Them

common cosmetic procedures

As the years go by, more people are warming up to the idea of getting cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance and confidence. Thanks to technology, most of these procedures have become minimally invasive, making people more comfortable trying them out since they have a shorter recovery period.

However, people also embrace more in-depth procedures when they are done safely and professionally. So, whichever approach you prefer, the key is to work with trained professionals who will do the entire job. Read on to understand more about some of the most common procedures:


A facelift is a non-invasive surgery meant to help people with sagging and wrinkled skin, otherwise known as skin elasticity on the face and neck. In short, the more loose skin you have, the more eligible you become to undergo this procedure.

The skin is gently pulled and tightened to restore your youthful appearance. The facelifts are done uniquely to each person’s face. A facelift is ideal for non-smokers, those with realistic expectations, and who don’t have medical conditions which can impair healing.

Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is meant to take care of eye bags or drooping eyelids by removing excess skin, muscles, and fat from the eyelids. Sagging skin can impair your vision, and that is why this procedure is necessary to improve your vision and make your eyes appear much younger. 


Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure meant to increase or reduce the nose size to fix nasal passages and improve nasal functions that are primarily breathing-related. One can undergo this procedure to correct congenital disabilities, open blocked nasal passages, and improve one’s general appearance for facial balance.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure done through suctioning to remove small bulges of fat deposits. This procedure is most popular among ladies to give them a well-shaped body by removing fat on the stomach, hips, waist, underarms, thighs, and under the chin.

People who have exercised and followed strict diet procedures for a long time and still have not succeeded in shrinking the fat can consider liposuction. However, remember that this is not a weight-loss procedure, and there are proper steps to follow for the liposuction recovery process. To undergo this procedure, you should be a non-smoker, above-average weight, and have overall good health.

Laser Hair Removal

This is another standard procedure for people who want to reduce unwanted hair in given areas. It is done by using a concentrated light beam absorbed by the melanin in the hair to delay future hair growth for long periods.

It is done on the legs, upper lip, chin, armpits, and bikini line. However, there are specific instructions that one must follow to qualify for this procedure and to ensure that the whole process is safe. Also, you may need continuous laser treatments for long-term hair reduction.

Botulinum Toxin Injection

Botox therapy is commonly done by administering injections in different places of your facial muscles to relax to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. With many people getting more self-conscious about their faces, this procedure is fast becoming popular. People have also embraced it since it takes a short time to get done, mostly 10-15 minutes, and the recovery process is quick. You’ll start noticing changes after 2-3 weeks.

Chemical Peeling

Chemical peels are carried out using a chemical solution that removes your skin’s top layer and replaces it with smooth-looking skin. People who are conscious of scars, wrinkles, discolored skin can benefit from this procedure. The strength of the chemicals determines how deep into your skin this chemical will move, and also it depends on the intensity of the skin condition. After this procedure, your skin will have an improved texture and tone.

All procedures are safe as long as the experts do them. Before letting your body undergo any of these procedures, ensure that you’ve identified the right surgeon to take care of it. Above all, have realistic expectations for any procedure and follow your doctor’s recovery procedure as advised. 

Jennifer Walker

About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach-goer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

Photo credit:  Olha Ruccya

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