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What are the Top Beauty Tips For the Face?

skin care tips for the face

Our skin is our body’s largest organ. Physiologically, it keeps all the nasties out, helps regulate our body temperature, and enables “touch” sensations. Aesthetically, healthy skin boosts our confidence and self-esteem.

But what are we doing to take care of it? Specifically, the skin on our face?

The passing of time has given way to numerous scientific discoveries, most notably in the field of dermatology. Recent studies support the various physical and mental benefits of having a comprehensive skincare routine — and we’re not just talking about products!

Glowing, healthy skin is in. Dull, damaged skin is out.

Gone are the days when we were told that we only needed sunscreen when we were at the beach. Or that stressing out about things outside of our control is actually doing our skin’s health any favors.

The age of “glass skin” has arrived, and if you’re keen to achieve the same, then you better pay attention to’s FIVE tips on how to keep your face young, supple, and healthy for the long term.

Ready to glow? Let’s begin!

Tip #1: Start From Within

Sure, it’s tempting to reach for a bottle of serum that promises miracles simply. But before you do, ask yourself: “Am I living a healthy lifestyle, to begin with?”

You have to remember that anything you put on your face to address skin issues is essentially useless if the problem is beyond skin-deep. Factors like stress, a high-sugar diet, low-quality sleep, and even unbalanced hormones – among other things – all play a part in skin health.

So, suppose you’re going through a disruptive transition in life, drinking too many sugary iced coffees, or binging on Netflix all night. In that case, you might want to course-correct first before investing in an expensive regimen of over-the-counter potions.

Tip #2: See Your Healthcare Provider

Of course, we’ll be doing you a complete disservice if we don’t push for a proper diagnosis of your issues. Your general practitioner, nutritionist, or dermatologist can give you answers that even awesome bloggers like us can’t.

If you feel like there’s something more at play than an easy-to-correct issue – such as severe acne, itchy rashes, painful welts – then, by all means, see your trusted health professionals!

If you can’t afford to go to professionals, at the very least, make sure you get reliable, peer-reviewed information from sources like the Mayo Clinic and Healthline.

Tip #3: Invest in Quality Products

When we say “quality,” we don’t mean expensive and overhyped (we’re looking at you, Barbara Sturm). Really, ridiculous prices aren’t an indication of quality and effectiveness.

Well-formulated drugstore products from reputable companies are just as good as a 400-dollar bottle of cream. Lucky for us, there are heaps of information available online.

Make sure you do your research: read product reviews, see what professional dermatologists and aestheticians on YouTube and social media say, and err on the side of gold-standard ingredients that target your specific issues.

Doing so helps you make informed decisions on which products and brands to try out first. After all, your facial skin can only take so much trial and error. Use the resources available to you and stop letting the hype pressure you to buy products you don’t need.

Tip #4: Double-down on Self-care

Self-care has been getting a lot of flak lately, and it’s easy to see why.

Scented candles and bubble baths are nice-to-haves. But they are not the end-all-be-all of self-care. In fact, the most effective self-care practices are FREE!

Self-care is savoring positive experiences, spending time with people who energize you, practicing gratitude and self-compassion, and engaging in healthy coping mechanisms. All of these things, while seemingly small, can compound with consistency and can have a great impact on your mind, soul, and body… especially on your skin!

Tip #5: Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen

As mentioned in the intro, sunscreen shouldn’t be limited to beach days.

Ask any dermatologist, and every one of them will tell you just how crucial wearing an SPF 50 sunscreen daily – and reapplying every two to three hours – is in preventing sunburns and skin cancers and maintaining skin integrity, and slowing signs of aging.

In fact, experts believe that all your other skincare products are rendered useless if you don’t wear sunscreen in the morning.

This is because the sun’s UV rays are responsible for 80% of skin damage. This includes both UVA rays and UVB rays.

UVA penetrates more deeply into the skin and plays a major role in premature wrinkle formation and skin cancer formation. UVA gets inside your home, too. If you work near a window during the day, make sure to wear sunscreen and reapply until sundown.

UVB, on the other hand, is responsible for producing sunburns. In fact, UVB plays an even greater role in skin cancer formation than UVA.

So, do your skin and yourself a favor and just slap on that SPF 50 before getting exposed to the sun. It literally takes only 15 minutes!

And there you have it — the FIVE beauty tips for the face. The best part is that it can be applied to every part of your body, too!

Follow each of them to a T, and you’ll reap the rewards later. You only have one face, after all.

Feature photo by Photo by Antoni Shkraba

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