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A List of New Year’s Resolutions To Keep Your Life Organized

A List of New Year’s Resolutions To Keep Your Life Organized

We found a way to help make New Year’s Resolution to keep life a bit more organized and easy in the New Year. Here’s your list of New Year’s Resolutions.

Cash for your car

Maybe we didn’t journal more or work on an art piece we’ve procrastinated on; we can try again next year, right? Of course! No matter the size of your resolution, you can still achieve it in small steps. So to help make life easier this coming New Year, here’s a list of New Year’s resolutions to keep your life organized.

Stick With One Calendar

We often get carried away with using more than one thing to keep track of dates. However, we can do all of it from the comfort of our phones. All app stores contain fun calendars and planner apps that easily keep track of everything in your life, including reviews about your day.

In the New Year, stick with one digital or traditional calendar, and stick with it long enough to realize you don’t need to stress if you forget necessary appointments.

Throw Out What You Hold Onto

If you have old letters and documents that aren’t relevant to your current lifestyle or living situation, throw them out. Holding onto items we no longer feel sentimental toward causes them to pile up, and then we feel sad.

So, to let go and live to the fullest, throw out your old items. Then, buy yourself something to keep other things organized so that your space can feel new again.

Stay Committed

It’s hard to stay organized, but let’s commit this year by planning things one day at a time. If you feel stuck, reach out to support groups on social media for tips and hacks on organizing your home. Trust us; hacks work just as well as tips on staying organized.

Additionally, be flexible with your organizing; you don’t want to rush through planning out weekend getaways or date nights without anticipating schedule changes.

So instead of writing out our lives in pen, let’s do it in pencil. That way, we can reschedule if something unexpected comes up.

Create Realistic Goals

Whether it’s a personal or professional goal, having a realistic plan that’s manageable and simple to achieve can help us evolve into more successful individuals.

So while jotting down goals, separate them into short-term and long-term objectives; that way, there’s an outline to work with throughout the year.

Our list of New Year’s resolutions to keep your life organized is the beginning of a life filled with more balance than chaos. As we enter a new year of opportunity, let’s prepare ourselves by making a resolution to tidy up our lives and seize the new year with a tight grip.

About the author

Stephanie Ross