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4 Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

4 Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

The Earth needs significant help, and we can contribute! There are tons of ways to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, and we’ll go through a few of the easiest ways you can make a difference. Here are four tips for reducing your carbon footprint.

Change Your Eating Habits

Switching to a vegan diet may sound daunting, but it’s not as difficult as it sounds (and it drastically reduces your carbon footprint). The meat and dairy industries account for around 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, so it’s essential to support those industries as little as possible.

Going vegan involves cutting meat and other animal products (milk, cheese, and eggs) out of your diet entirely. While you may not think you can live without these dietary staples, there are tons of alternatives that taste just as good. Give the Impossible Whopper at Burger King a try if you don’t believe us: many people can’t taste the difference at all!

Avoid Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a massive problem for sustainability, as it encourages consumers to buy clothing items as soon as they become trendy and discard them as soon as they’re out of style. This cycle requires tons of fossil fuels to create and transport the clothing, and then leads to overflowing landfills when the fashion industry decides that a style is “out.”

Instead, either shop for quality clothing made to last for years or take a trip to your local thrift store and pick up secondhand clothing. It saves you money, and it helps show the fashion industry that consumers don’t want to support practices that hurt the environment.

Shop Thoughtfully

Bring along reusable bags whenever you head out to a store, whether you’re buying groceries or shopping at the mall. Many cities and towns are charging consumers when they use plastic bags, so you can stay eco-friendly while saving a few cents.

Also, remember to look for Energy Star-rated products when shopping for light bulbs, electronics, and appliances. They’re certified to use energy more efficiently, which can reduce your monthly electric bills substantially while keeping your carbon footprint in check.

Stay Sustainable at Home

Finally, you can do a few small things in day-to-day life that make a big impact over time. If you can’t always remember to switch off lights when you leave a room, you can put lights in your home on timers. This ensures that you’ll never leave a light on overnight.

You can also install a low-flow showerhead to limit the amount of water you use every day. If you’re really serious about going green, you can try taking quicker showers, too!

Now that you know these four tips for reducing your carbon footprint, start living every day like it’s Earth Day!

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