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A Guide To Why Professional Footballers Wear Tiny Little Shin Pads

Footballer shin pads

If you have not seen these tiny shin pads, then tiny little shin pads are just like their name, tiny and small. These shin pads appear to be designed for children but are worn by adult footballers; that’s just how small they are. Since they are so small, you may be wondering why footballers wear them at all. So in this article, we will look at just that.

Why do Footballers Wear Tiny Little Shin Pads?

Footballers are required to wear shin pads like those found at Total Hockey – shin pads due to the rules of the game. These shin pads are designed specifically to protect your shins from injuries. So to comply with the rules and laws of the game, footballers wear small shin pads. But what is the reason that they wear small shin pads instead of the regular ones?

1)   Not Used to the Feel of Shin Pads

Footballers do not like the feel of the shin pads. Usually, they practice without wearing shin pads, so they find it bulky and uncomfortable during the game. Moreover, the sweaty feel also keeps the footballers away from shin pads.

2)   Do Not Believe in Shin Pad’s Effectiveness

Most footballers do not believe in the effectiveness of shin pads. They believe that shin pads do not offer much protection against injuries. However, it can be said that shin pads do not offer much protection against serious injuries, but they do offer protection against cuts and slashes caused by the opposition players. But despite this, footballers take the risk.

3)   It Affects the Player’s Competitiveness

They also believe that shin pads interfere with their movement in the game when they are playing competitively. They practice football without these shin guards, so they find it easier to move around without them. Thus footballers are opting for tiny little shin pads during their football games.

This is not only the case with only amateur players but also professional footballers who wear small shin pads during the game. So if they are wearing tiny little shin pads, what’s the problem?

What are the Rules on wearing Shin Pads?

There are some requirements when wearing shin pads that need to be met. They include:

The main problem arises with the third point. The tiny little shin pad does not offer good protection. They are just worn as a formality. But since referees do not enforce the rules and many professional footballers are wearing tiny shin pads, their use is continually increasing.

In a Nutshell

So professional footballers wear shin pads just to comply with the rules of the game. Wearing tiny little shin pads offer this to them. They do not have to worry about the discomfort and the sweaty feeling when wearing tiny little shin pads. Moreover, they can easily move around and play the game. This does not affect their movement and competitiveness, and these tiny little shin guards are getting popular among footballers around the world.

Feature photo by Robo Michalec

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